How to Read Comic Books

Presentation on The Infinity Gauntlet

Image result for infinity gauntlet

A character is narrating who is not even present in the scene that is being depicted, giving exposition to the reader. Without the narration, one can assume that the scene being shown would otherwise be dialogue-less and, therefore, indecipherable as to what was actually transpiring in the moment.

The dialogue is occasionally written in word bubbles, but is sometimes written in the blank space on the page where there is a white background that makes text stand out.

Read in such a way that the background image is read first, followed by Death reaching, then Thanos’s re-emergence, and finally, Death touching Thanos. Basically, there are four, unconventionally-placed panels. These frames show how time is being divided. Sure, it would take time to recall someone from the dead, but ultimately this is taking place over the course of ten minutes or so, and this indicated by the fairly limited movements shown by Death.

Image Source: Barnes and Noble