Moms Who Think

Brown Sugar Molasses Baked Ham

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Brown Sugar Molasses Baked Ham

Baked ham may seem like a delicacy saved only for Easter or an anomaly of a Thanksgiving holiday, but it can also make for a delicious dinner time centerpiece for many families. It is definitely a bit more of a time-consuming dinner, but if you have some extra abilities one night, then it would not be a bad idea to whip up this recipe, which calls for a salivatory baked ham coated in brown sugar and molasses and baked to absolute perfection. Ham is always a tasty choice and this particular recipe is one that takes the meat selection to the next level.

Ham Glaze with Molasses and Brown Sugar

Whenever you are preparing a meal that centers around a delicious piece of meat, you are preparing yourself with a mindset of the savory taste. Meat like ham, steak, chicken, or fish is not necessarily sweet or sour or bitter, but they all definitely fit into the “savory” category. When you are in the mood for something savory, a thick piece of ham can be unparalleled. But if you find yourself obligated to cook the ham or you just find yourself eating savory foods pretty frequently, then this recipe can be great for spicing things up.

Obviously, the ham itself is going to still be savory, but when you cook it with this recipe that has molasses and brown sugar in mind then you are unquestionably bringing something new to meat.

After all, ham has always gone very well with sweet flavorings on top of the savoriness. Thinking about pineapples being cooked with hams in the oven or even the combination of pineapple and ham on pizza that many seem to enjoy can be a good way to psych yourself up for the amazing taste that a ham glazed in sweetness will provide. Molasses and brown sugar are also not a typical form of sweetness. There is a quality to both that makes it a cut above standard sugars and sources of sweetness. Adding this to a glaze for your ham will make every bite sensational. You will definitely be clamoring for more of the savory and sweet power dynamics.

Cooking Ham in Oven

The one downside to this out of this world ham recipe that will send your taste buds into a frenzy is the fact that it is not necessarily a meal you can whip together at the last second or when you are on the go. This is definitely a special occasion kind of meal or the type of dish that you can only serve if you have had the entire day free to begin the cooking process. After all, the steps can be a bit tricky, especially when you have to bake the glaze in a saucepan (you do not want to burn the sugary concoction). And besides, if you really want to bake a ham the right way, then it is going to take some time. This particular recipe calls for the ham to remain in the oven for, on average, two and a half hours. (And you have to baste the ham frequently enough that it is not even a set and forget kind of bake either.)

But if you have the time or if you find yourself as the host of the latest holiday meal your family is attending, then there is no better choice than the brown sugar molasses baked ham. Sure, it does take a long time to cook in the oven, but it is arguably shorter than most turkeys and many steaks, all things considered. And if you want the ham to be as delicious as possible, then you have to allot it the necessary time. Two and a half hours is a lot, but the taste will make all that time by the oven more than worth it.

Image Source: Moms Who Think