The University of Massachusetts Amherst
UMass Economics

Gómez-Ramírez article on democratic planning

Leopoldo Gómez-Ramírez, Ph.D. candidate in the Economics Department, has published an article titled “On Theories of a Democratic Planned Economy and the Coevolution of ‘Pro-democratic Planning’ Preferences” in International Critical Thought, Volume 4, Issue 2, 2014.

The motivation problem is a common component of discussions about democratic planning.  This paper focuses in particular on individuals’ motivation to work hard and to engage in the scrutiny of public affairs, both necessary traits for the success of a planned economy.  The analysis draws on tools from the evolutionary game theory literature to consider whether the models of Pat Devine (Negotiated Coordination Economy, or NCE) and Michael Albert and Robin Hahnel (Participatory Economics, or Parecon) offer convincing solutions.  I argue the proliferation of those traits would not naturally occur at the outset of democratic planning.  I discuss selection mechanisms that increase the likelihood of successful proliferation of individually costly traits: segmentation, conformism, and group-level interactions.  However, I argue that, under the impact of the defining institutions of NCE/Parecon, segmentation or conformism would not achieve the desired proliferation.  The central conclusion of this paper is, then, that more sanctions and incentives at the group-level should be incorporated to the institutional design of these models.

UMass Economics

Sturn article on unemployment

Simon Sturn, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Economics, has published an article titled “Macroeconomic policy in recessions and unemployment hysteresis”  in Applied Economics Letters, Volume 21, Issue 13, 2014.

I adopt Ball’s (1999) cross-sectional approach to test for unemployment hysteresis to panel data. Long-run unemployment is explained with standard institutional controls, and proxies for monetary and fiscal policy reactions in recessions. The sample consists of 20 OECD countries for the period 1985 to 2008. The results indicate that fiscal consolidation in recessions has long-lasting effects on unemployment. No significant impact of monetary policy is found. However, tentative evidence suggests that the effects of fiscal spending are stronger when accommodated by expansionary monetary policy.

UMass Economics

Stelzner on income inequality in the U.S.

Mark Stelzner, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Economics, has written an article titled “Political Contest, Policy Control, and Inequality in the United States, set to appear in the next edition of Review of Keynesian Economics, Vol. 2 No. 3, Autumn 2014.  Pp 365-383.

In a democracy where the median income is substantially less than the average, why does the poor majority not implement a significant level of redistribution? Despite fears that democracy would empower the poor majority to such ends, constituents of below average income have a mixed record of utilizing democracy to ameliorate economic inequality in the United States. How do we understand this puzzle? Why does the poor majority not maintain a constant level of redistribution in a democracy? In this paper, I provide a game theoretic answer based on historical research which is in accord with the broad trend in both policy and income inequality in the United States..

Mark Stelzner is publishing a book through Palgrave Macmillan (expected 2015) where he explores the topics analyzed in this paper in more depth. Stelzner also has data work on the income share of the top one percent in the United States during the late 1860s and theoretical work on loss aversion, anchoring, and wage setting powers

UMass Economics

Boyce and Pollin speak at Wind Energy meeting

The UMass Wind Energy Center held its 40th Anniversary Celebration on Friday, June 6, 2014.  The presentation by Professor James Boyce and Professor Robert Pollin titled “Renewable Energy and an Egalitarian Clean Energy Program for the U.S. Economy” outlined the positive economic effects of building a clean energy economy.  For more information about the Wind Energy Center, see:

UMass Economics

Dube comments on: “Can the Minimum Wage Be Too High?”

Professor Arindrajit Dube was one of five debaters on the The New York Times Room for Debate opinion page. Dube states that “the best evidence suggests that state and federal minimum wage increases have had a very small impact on employment, while moderately reducing turnover, poverty and inequality.” Read more…