An economic columnist writing about the negative impact a rise in the national living wage in the U.K. is having notes that Arindrajit Dube, economics, argues that a minimum wage should be set at 50 percent of the median wage in any market area. The national living wage in the U.K. is 60 percent of the median wage. (Forbes, 3/20/17)
Day: March 21, 2017
Robert N. Pollin, Distinguished Professor in economics and co-director of the Political Economy Research Institute, says it is good news that global CO2 emissions remained flat for the third year in a row even as the global economy grew. “It shows that if you switch technologies, you can continue to grow…but it will not get us very far down the line because we need much more dramatic cuts in emissions,” Pollin says. (Marketplace, 3/17/17)