The University of Massachusetts Amherst
Folbre PERI Pollin

Folbre blogs “Grow Green Jobs”

Nancy Folbre

Nancy Folbre, economics professor, writing her weekly column in the Economix blog at the New York Times, discusses how to boost the sagging national economy by promoting green jobs. She notes that her UMass Amherst colleagues Robert Pollin, James Heintz and Heidi Garrett-Peltier have outlined how energy conservation in public buildings and private homes can generate jobs and save energy. (New York Times, 7/12/10)

July 12, 2010
Grow Green Jobs

But green jobs are definitely on the rise in the United States, as they are elsewhere. A recent Pew Foundation report estimates that the number of them grew nearly two and a half times faster than overall jobs between 1998 and 2007.

And as Professor Pollin and his co-authors James Heintz and Heidi Garrett-Peltier have shown, enormous scope remains for improvements in energy conservation in public buildings and private homes. Doing energy audits and retrofitting insulation require modest training, but no high-tech expertise. Such jobs could be widely distributed across communities.


Pollin proposes creation of 18 million new jobs

Robert Pollin

A story about the high unemployment rate and how unions and Democrats are failing to make it a bigger political issue mentions various plans to generate jobs in the recovering economy. One proposal offered by Robert Pollin, economics professor and co-director of the Political Economy Research Institute, calls for creating 18 million new jobs by 2012 through public investment financed by $700 billion in bank loans and an equal amount of federal spending. The jobs would be in retrofitting homes for energy efficiency, conservation projects, creating public art and providing social and educational services. (In These Times, 6/28/10)


Pollin supports living wage legislation in New York Daily News op-ed

Robert Pollin

Robert Pollin, economics professor and co-director of the Political Economy Research Institute, writes an op-ed in the New York Daily Newssupporting legislation that would create a living wage law in that city. He says paying workers a minimum of $10 per hours does not artificially boost prices and hasn’t been shown to reduce the number of lower-wage jobs in cities that have adopted this policy. Overall, Pollin argues, living wage laws have not harmed low-wage workers or had unintended economic consequences. (New York Daily News, 6/27/10)

Pollin UMass Economics

Pollin discusses derivatives regulation on The Real News Network

Robert Pollin

In an interview on The Real News Network, Robert Pollin, economics professor and co-director of the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI), discusses federal regulation of derivatives with regard to the commodities market.  Bills that would help to regulate this market, including food and oil prices, are being debated now by both the Senate and the House.  Pollin favors a legally tight version of the Senate bill.  In his opinion this would be an effective response to the severe speculation that has surrounded the commodities future market since its deregulation in 2000.  (, 6/16/10)

Pollin UMass Economics

Pollin speculates on financial reform legislation

Robert Pollin

Robert Pollin, economics and co-director of the Political Economy Research Institute, writes a column about what the key issues are likely to be as negotiators from the U.S. House and Senate work to reconcile the two chambers’ versions of financial reform legislation. Pollin says much effort will be spent coming up with a new way to regulate derivatives and other financial instruments used to speculate on oil and food prices. (Huffington Post, 6/7/10)


Pollin’s living wage research cited in NY Times

Robert Pollin

Two city councilors in New York City plan to introduce living wage legislation governing publicly subsidized development projects.  This legislation would guarantee wages of at least $10.00 per hour instead of $7.25 that it is now.  Robert Pollin, UMass Amherst economics professor and co-director of the Political Economy Research Institute, has studied living wages and is cited in the article.  According to Pollin, about 140 municipalities in the U.S. have passed similar legislation. (New York Times, 5/25/10)

Pollin UMass Economics

Pollin: Fed should do more to address unemployment

Robert Pollin, Professor and Co-Director of PERI

Robert Pollin, economics professor and co-director of the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI), comments in a story analyzing the Federal Reserve’s role in addressing high unemployment, particularly among black workers.  Pollin says he believes economic thinking is changing and it now makes sense for the Fed to buy corporate bonds to fund high-employment businesses, especially those that will create jobs in urban areas, much as it acted to cut the federal funds rate in the 2008 economic crisis. He says the Fed has other mechanisms to control inflation without hurting employment, but it just doesn’t use them. (City Limits, 4/19/10)

Pollin UMass Economics

Pollin comments in NY Times on progress of “going green”

Robert Pollin, Professor and Co-Director of PERI

Robert Pollin, economics professor and co-director of the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI), comments in a story about the slow progress being made in encouraging the green economy in the U.S. Pollin says few companies have applied for federal tax credits available to firms that are involved in green manufacturing and that currently only about 75,000 jobs have been generated. Overall, however, Pollin says green energy is an opportunity to help revive the nation’s manufacturing sector.  (New York Times, 4/22/10)


Pollin organizes conference on building a clean-energy economy

Robert Pollin

Robert Pollin, UMass Amherst economics professor and co-director of the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI), helped to organize a conference on the topic of “Major Economic Challenges Ahead in Building a Clean-Energy Economy in the United States.” 

The conference was held in March at the Surdna Foundation’s headquarters in New York City and brought together researchers whose work addresses the economic challenges of transforming the United States into a clean-energy economy over the next 20-30 years. 

According to Pollin, “The overarching purpose of our conference was to explore more deeply the ways in which a clean-energy investment agenda can become a centerpiece of economic policy in the U.S. over the next generation.  Lots of important ideas came out of the conference.  Most importantly, the conference enabled us to see more clearly both how much we have achieved to date and the major challenges that we face moving forward.” (Surdna Foundation, 4/28/10)

Pollin UMass Economics

Pollin’s research on green jobs referenced in The Huffington Post

Green JobsThe research of professor Robert Pollin, economics and co-director of the Political Economy Research Institute, was referenced in an article which appeared recently in The Huffington Post.  Pollin’s work on green economies is considered substantial and thorough with respect to quantifying how many green jobs could be created from a clean energy transformation.  This is important research because, as the author points out, “green jobs may be the key to economic recovery and environmental sustainability.”