Sociocultural anthropology; population politics, especially biopolitics of reproduction and migration; medical anthropology; political economy and economic anthropology; social memory and historical anthropology; globalization; fast fashion; food and culture; place-based knowledge; transregional connections; ethnography and writing; digital storytelling; Italy and the United States
2018 Tight Knit: Global Families and the Social Life of Fast Fashion. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Finalist, 2019 William A. Douglass Prize in Europeanist Anthropology.
2009 Unraveled: A Weaver’s Tale of Life Gone Modern. Berkeley: University of California Press.
2005 A Crisis of Births: Population Politics and Family-Making in Italy. Case Studies on Contemporary Social Issues. John A. Young, series editor. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Articles and Book Chapters (peer-reviewed)
2021 (invited) Krause, Elizabeth L. Encounter Ethnography and Making the ‘Made in Italy’ Brand: Chinese Migrant Experiences. Special Issue, The Chinese Worker Goes Abroad, Made in China Journal 5(3): 39–45.
2020 Krause, Elizabeth L., and Massimo Bressan. Viral Encounters: Xenophobia, Solidarity, and Place-based Lessons from Chinese Migrants in Italy. Special Issue, Anthropological Engagement with COVID-19, Deven Gray, David Himmelgreen, and Nancy Romero-Daza, editors, Human Organization 79(4): 259–270.
2020 Krause, Elizabeth L., and Ying Li. Out of Place: Everyday Forms of Marginalization, Racism, and Resistance among Chinese Migrants in Italy. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Research
2020 Krause, Elizabeth L. “Cut and Sew”: Migration, Crisis, and Belonging in an Italian Fast-Fashion Zone. In Digesting Difference: Migrant Incorporation and Mutual Belonging in Europe, edited by Kelly McKowen and John Borneman. Under contract with Palgrave Press. (Submitted January 7, 2020; corrected proofs submitted June 14).
2020 Krause, Elizabeth L. “They Are More Careful”: Transnational Care Among Chinese Migrant Parents in Italy. In The Anthropological Demography of Health, edited by Kaveri Qureshi and Philip Kreager. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Volume submitted Nov. 8, 2019, copyedited manuscript submitted May 8, 2020; corrected proofs submitted June 26.)
2020 Krause, Betsy, and Massimo Bressan. “A Disease Origin Story.” Vestoj: The Platform for Critical Thinking on Fashion. April 21.
2019 Krause, Elizabeth L. “One world ends and another begins”: Making sense of migration. Hot Spots, Fieldsights. Special Theme on Europe in the Balance, Cultural Anthropology, October 22.
2019 Krause, Elizabeth L., and Aline Gubrium. “Scribble Scrabble”: Migration, Young Parenting Latinas, and Digital Storytelling as Narrative Shock. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 33(3): 420–438.
2018 Krause, Elizabeth L., and Massimo Bressan. Circulating Children, Underwriting Capitalism: Chinese Global Households and Italian Fast-Fashion. Current Anthropology.
2018 Gubrium, Aline C., and Elizabeth L. Krause. “Doing Your Life”: Narrative Intervention with Young Mothers as Storytellers. Human Organization 77(3): 214-227.
2018 Krause, Elizabeth L. Reproduction in Retrospective, Or What’s All the Fuss over Low Fertility? In International Handbook on Gender and Demographic Processes, edited by Nancy E. Riley and Jan Brunson, 73–82. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
2017 Krause, Elizabeth L., and Massimo Bressan. Via Gramsci: Hegemony and Wars of Position in the Streets of Prato. International Gramsci Journal 2(3):31–66. Special issue on Gramsci and Anthropology: A “Round Trip.”
2017 Bressan, Massimo, and Elizabeth L. Krause. La cultura del controllo: Letture subaltern di un conflito urbano. Antropologia, December 2017: 131–151.
2016 Gubrium, Aline C., Alice Fiddian-Green, Kasey Jernigan, and Elizabeth L. Krause. Bodies As Evidence: Mapping New Terrain for Teen Pregnancy and Parenting. Global Public Health 11(5–6)
2015 Krause, Elizabeth L. “Fistful of Tears”: Encounters with Transnational Affect, Chinese Immigrants and Italian Fast Fashion. Cambio 5(10): 27–40. Special Issue on Work and Difference, edited by Massimo Bressan and Sebastiano Ceschi.
2015 Krause, Elizabeth L. The Value of Money: A Fresh Glimpse of Globalization and the Case of Prato. Prato Storia & Arte 117 (June):100–110. Prato: Fondazione Cassa Risparmio di Prato.
2015 C. Marjorie Aelion, Aline Gubrium, Felicity Aulino, Elizabeth L. Krause, Thomas Leatherman. Bridging Graduate Education in Public Health and the Liberal Arts. American Journal of Public Health 105:S78-S82.
2014 Krause, Elizabeth L., and Silvia De Zordo. Ethnography and Biopolitics: Tracing “Rationalities” of Reproduction across the North-South Divide. Introduction to Reproduction and Biopolitics: Ethnographies of Governance, “Irrationality” and Resistance, Silvia De Zordo and Milena Marchesi, eds. London: Routledge. [Reprint.]
2014 Bressan, Massimo, and Elizabeth L. Krause. “Ho un luogo dove lavoro e un luogo dove abito.” La gestione della diversità in un distretto industrial in transizione (“I have a place where I work and a place where I live”: Encounters with flexible families in a globalizing made in Italy fast-fashion city), Mondi Migranti 8(1): 59–83.
2014 Aline Gubrium, Elizabeth L. Krause, and Kasey Jernigan. Strategic Authenticity and Voice: New Ways of Seeing and Being Seen as Young Mothers through Digital Storytelling, Sexuality Research and Social Policy (03 June 2014).
2013 Krause, Elizabeth L. and Anurag Sharma. “Calling the Question”: The Politics of Time in a Time of Polarized Politics. Cambio 3(6): 13–26.
2013 Krause, Elizabeth L. Challenging the Common Sense of Birth-Heritage Politics. World Geography: Understanding a Changing World. ABC-CLIO, Web. 27 Aug. 2013.
2013 Krause, Elizabeth L. ‘Empty Cradles’ and the Quiet Revolution: Demographic Discourse and Cultural Struggles of Gender, Race, and Class in Italy. In Contemporary Cultures, Global Connections: Anthropology for the 21st Century, Victoria Bernal, ed. Pp. 393–424. San Diego: CA: Cognella Inc. [Reprint.]
2012 Krause, Elizabeth L. “È successo”: Lo strano caso dei bambini non programmati e la ‘fine’ della razionalità. In Culture della nascita. Orizzonti della maternità tra saperi e servizi, Gianfranca Raniso, ed. Napoli: Dante & Descartes.
2012 Krause, Elizabeth L. ‘They Just Happened’: The Curious Case of the Unplanned Baby, Italian Low Fertility, and the ‘End’ of Rationality. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 26(3):361–382. (Winner of the Polgar Prize for best article, November 2013.)
2012 Krause, Elizabeth L., and Silvia De Zordo. Ethnography and Biopolitics: Tracing ‘Rationalities’ of Reproduction across the North-South Divide, Introduction to Special Issue of Anthropology and Medicine 19(2):137-151. Silvia De Zordo and Milena Marchesi, eds.
2012 Krause, Elizabeth L., and Anurag Sharma. Sustainability “Wars” in a New England Town Futures (44):631-641.
2011 Krause, Elizabeth L. Carnival, a ‘Sold’ Woman, and Wet Economies: Challenges of making peasants the subjects of history. In SM Annali di San Michele 24/2011, Carnival King of Europe/Carnevale re d’Europa: Potere, Ritualità e i Popoli Senza Storia. Giornate di Studio in Onore di Eric R. Wolf (1923-1999), nel Decennale della Scomparsa, Giovanni Kezich and Antonella Mott, eds. Pp. 463-470. San Michele all’Adige: Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina.
2011 Terrio, Susan, Aryah Somers, Olivia Faries, Cecilia Menjívar, Elizabeth L. Krause, and Stuart Lustig. Voice, Agency and Vulnerability: The Immigration of Children through Systems of Protection and Enforcement. International Migration 49(5):1-23.
2011 Krause, Elizabeth L. The Challenge of Giving Voice. International Migration 49(5):19-21.
2007 Krause, Elizabeth L. Memory and Meaning: Genealogy of a Fertile Protest, Journal of Modern Italian Studies 12(4): 406-416.
2007 Krause, Elizabeth L. Fertility Politics as ‘Social Viagra’: Reproducing Boundaries, Social Cohesion and Modernity in Italy. Co-authored with Milena Marchesi. American Anthropologist 109(2): 350-362.
2007 From Explosion to Implosion: A Call for Population Skepticism. In Babies, Burdens and Threats: Current Faces of Population Control. Pp. 13-16. Amherst: Population and Development Program.
2006 “Dangerous Demographies and the Scientific Manufacture of Fear.” The Corner House, Sarah Sexton, ed., Briefing paper No. 36.
2006 ‘You Have to Start with Something’: Towards an Ethnographic Research Agenda for Modern Italy. Journal of Modern Italian Studies 11(3): 393-403.
2005 “Encounters with ‘the Peasant’: Memory Work, Masculinity, and Low Fertility in Italy.” American Ethnologist 32(4): 593-617. PDF (308 KB)
2005 “ ‘Toys and Perfumes’: Imploding Italy’s Population Paradox and Motherly Myths.” In Barren States: The Population “Implosion” in Europe, edited by Carrie B. Douglass. Pp.159-182. London:Berg.
2003 “Italy,” In The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women’s Issues Worldwide: Europe. Pp. 341-372. Lynn Walter, ed. Westport, CN: Greenwood Publishing Group.
2001 “‘Empty Cradles’ and the Quiet Revolution: Demographic Discourse and Cultural Struggles of Gender, Race, and Class in Italy,” Cultural Anthropology 16(4): 576-611. PDF (2.7 MB)
1998 “‘The Bead of Raw Sweat in a Field of Dainty Perspirers’: Nationalism, Whiteness, and the Olympic Class Ordeal of Tonya Harding,” Transforming Anthropology (7)1:33-52. PDF (2 MB)
1994 “Forward vs. Reverse Gear: Politics of Proliferation and Resistance in the Italian Fascist State,” Journal of Historical Sociology, 7(3): 261-288.
1992 “The Looking Glass of Historic Preservation: A Reflection of Modernization and Changing Values,” Peter New Award Paper, Human Organization 51(2): 97–201.
Book Reviews & Review Essays
2020 Review of Fabricating Transnational Capitalism: A Collaborative Ethnography of Italian Chinese Global Fashion, by Lisa Rofel and Sylvia Yanagisako, Duke University Press. 2019. American Anthropologist.
2018 Review of Merchants in the City of Art: Work, Identity, and Change in a Florentine Neighborhood. Anne Schiller. University of Toronto Press. 2016. 152 pp. Journal of Modern Italian Studies.
2015 Review of Labor Disorders in Neoliberal Italy: Mobbing, Well-being, and the Workplace. Noelle J. Molé, Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 2012. 212 pp. Medical Anthropology Quarterly.
2012 Doing Fieldwork and Writing Anthropology. Review Essay of Being There: The Fieldwork Encounter and the Making of Truth. John Borneman and Abdellah Hammoudi (eds.). Berkeley, CA, and London, UK: University of California Press, 2009. viii + 280 pp; and Anthropology off the Shelf: Anthropologists on Writing. Alisse Waterston and Maria D. Vesperi (eds.). Forward by Cheryl Mwaria. Malden, MA, and Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. xvi + 213 pp. Transforming Anthropology 20(2):189-192.
2012 Review of The Italian Way: Food & Social Life. Douglas Harper and Patrizia Faccioli. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. 2009. 311 pp. South European Society & Politics.
2011 Review of Developing Skill, Developing Vision: Practices of Locality at the Foot of the Alps. Cristina Grasseni. New York and Oxford: Berghan Books. 2009. xii+212pp. Ethos 40(2).
2010 Extraordinary Ethnography. Review of Ordinary Affects. Kathleen Stewart. Durham: Duke University Press, 2007. Anthropology & Humanism 35(1):124-126.
2008 Sheltering Women: Negotiating Gender and Violence in Northern Italy. Sonja Plesset. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 2006. Journal of Anthropological Research 64 (Spring):96-97.
2007 Carol Helstosky, Garlic & Oil: Food and Politics in Italy. 2004. (2006 paperback edition.) Oxford: Berg. South European Society & Politics 12(2): 255-57.
2003 “Raffaele Corso, La vita sessuale nelle credenze, pratiche e tradizioni popolari italiane,” (book review essay), Journal of Modern Italian Studies 8(1): 108-111
Popular Articles and Op-Eds
2019 Krause, Elizabeth L. “The Moon as Metaphor in Migration Research.” Anthropology News, Sections Edition: Society for the Anthropology of Europe. July 12.
2017 Robbins, Jessica, and Elizabeth l. Krause. “Sustaining and Stimulating Europeanist Anthropology.” Anthropology News website, August 4, 2017. doi: 10.1111/AN.556.
2016 Krause, Elizabeth L., Katie Waldron, and Aline Gubrium. Exposing Double Standards Young Moms Face. May 6, 2016.
2015 Gubrium, Aline, and Elizabeth L. Krause. Senate’s Proposed 2016 Budget Turns a Deaf Ear to the Needs of Young Families, April 24, 2015.
2015 Gubrium, Aline, and Elizabeth L. Krause. New Milwaukee Teen Pregnancy Prevention Campaign is Misguided, Cruel, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, January 22, 2015.
2014 Slow Rites, Fast Wrongs, with Massimo Bressan., July,
2013 My Trouble with the Anti-Essentialist Struggle. Anthropology News.
2009 Writing as Politics. Anthropology News, May.
2008 Intimate Borton school puts the children first, Guest Opinion, The Arizona Daily Star. April 3, p. A9.
2007 The Evolution of the Family. UMASS Amherst (Summer).
2007 From Explosion to Implosion: A Call for Population Skepticism. DifferenTakes, No. 46 (Spring): 1-4.
2005 “In Search of Community Conscious Capitalism,” Anthropology News PDF (612 KB), February, 46(2): 41-42.
2002 “Olympic Might,” Newsday. Sunday, Feb. 12, 2002. Pp. B4, B7.
Blogs and Websites
2018 Creative Economy,
2018 European Field Studies Program Archive,
2017 Global Bodies: Digital Stories from an Integrative Experience Course in Anthropology,, (launched May 2015, updated December 2018).
2016 Digital Storytelling with Betsy Krause, Department of Anthropology, Featured Profile. April 7, 2016.
2014 Hear Our Stories: Promoting Sexual Rights and Social Justice in Solidarity with Young Parenting Women,
Academic Positions
2012-present Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst
2013-14 Fellow, National Humanities Center, Research Triangle Park, NC
2006-2012 Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst
2000-06 Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst
External Awards (recent)
2012-16 National Science Foundation, “Chinese Immigration and Family Encounters in Italy” (BCS-1157218), June 1, 2012-May 31, 2014 (PI, $164,419).
2016–18 Creative Economies Initiative Fund, University of Massachusetts President’s Office, Cultivating Creative Economies through Digital Storytelling Labs, Co-PI Aline Gubrium ($28,861).
2012-15 Ford Foundation, “Hear Our Stories: Diasporic Youth for Sexual and Reproductive Health,” in response to the RFP, “Sexuality, Health and Rights Among Youth in the United States: Transforming Public Policy and Public Understanding Through Social Science Research,” December 1, 2012-November 30, 2014 (Co-PI with Aline Gubrium, $500,000).
2012-14 Wenner-Gren Foundation, International Collaborative Research Grant, (ICRG-114), “Tight Knit: Familistic Encounters in a Fast-Fashion District,” July 1, 2012-Dec. 31, 2013 (PI with Co-Applicant Massimo Bressan, $34,741).
2013-14 National Humanities Center, Fellow, 2013-14, “Tight Knit: Familistic Encounters in a Transnational Fast-Fashion Zone,” Research Triangle Park, NC. (PI, $50,998).
2013 Polgar Prize, Society for Medical Anthropology, Best Article, “They Just Happened”: The Curious Case of the Unplanned Baby, Italian Low Fertility, and the “End” of Rationality, Medical Anthropology Quarterly 26(3):361–382. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November 22, 2013