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Reverse chronological list (last updated 12/2023)

student ; *postdoctoral scholar; cco-first author publication

  • Roberts, T., D. Reckhow, E. Kumpel; K. Chavarria*.  Disinfection Byproducts in Intermittent Piped Water Supplies. ACS ES&T Water. Accepted.
  • Amery, L., J. Tobiason, E. Kumpel (2023). Water Lead Levels in Massachusetts Schools and Early Education and Childcare Facilities. AWWA Water Science. e1358.
  • Marques, A., C. Veras, E. Kumpel, J. Tobiason, C. Guzman (2023). Assessment of Contaminants in a Drinking Water Supply Watershed: An Investigation of Trends and Land Use Contributions. International Soil and Water Conservation Research. Accepted.Charlebois B., Reckhow, D., Wittbold, P., E. Kumpel (2023). Effective First Flush Volumes in Rainwater Catchment Systems. AQUA – Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society. In publication. DOI:10.2166/aqua.2023.049
  • Lane, K.* and E. Kumpel (2023). A critical review of the global use and context of trucked water as a potable water supply. ACS ES&T Water. Accepted. DOI:10.1021/acsestwater.2c00323
  • Chung, H., E. Kumpel, J. Oke (2023). Drinking water accessibility typologies in low- and middle-income countries. Environmental Research Letters, 18 (2), 025009.
  • Lane, K.*, Reckhow, D., Tobiason, J. and E. Kumpel (2023). Triple Bottom Line Approach for Comparing Point-of-Use/Point-of-Entry to Centralized Water Treatment. AWWA Water Science, 5 (2), e1320.
  • Kumpel, E., N. Billava, N. Nayak, A. Ercumen (2021). Intermittent and continuous water supply and water access in India during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Water and Health. 20 (1): 139–148. DOI:10.2166/wh.2021.184
  • da Luz, N., J. Tobiason, E. Kumpel (2021). Water quality monitoring with purpose: Using a novel framework and leveraging long-term data. Science of the Total Environment. 818 DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151729
  • Milman, A., E. Kumpel, K. Lane* (2021). The Future of Piped Water. Water International. DOI:10.1080/02508060.2021.1995169.
  • Soper, J., C. Guzman, E. Kumpel, J. Tobiason. Long-term analysis of road salt loading and transport in a rural drinking water reservoir watershed (2021). Journal of Hydrology, 603(B), 127005.
  • Wunderlich, S., S. Freeman, L. Galindo, C. Brown, and E. Kumpel (2021). Optimizing Household Water Decisions for Managing Intermittent Water Supply in Mexico City. Environmental Science & Technology, 55, 12, 8371–8381.
  • Kumpel, E., C. MacLeod, K. Stuart, A. Cock-Esteb, R. Khush, R. Peletz (2020). From Data to Decisions: Understanding information flows within regulatory water quality monitoring programs. npj Clean Water, 3.
  • da Luz, N., E. Kumpel (2020). Evaluating the impact of sampling design on drinking water quality monitoring program outcomes. Water Research, 10.1016/j.watres.2020.116217.
  • Rawas, F., R. Bain, and E. Kumpel (2020). Comparing utility-reported hours of piped water supply to households’ experiences. npj Clean Water, 3(1), 1-9.
  • Kelly, E., R. Cronk, E. Kumpel, G. Howard, and J. Bartram (2020). How we assess water safety: A critical review of sanitary inspection and water quality analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 718.
  • Ray, I., N. Billava, Z. Burt, J. Colford Jr., A. Ercumen, K.P. Jayaramu, E. Kumpel, N. Nayak, K. Nelson, C. Woefle-Erskine (2019). From intermittent to continuous water supply: A multi-dimensional evaluation of water system reforms from Hubli-Dharwad, Karnataka. Economic and Political Weekly, 53 (49).
  • Marks, S., E. Kumpel, J. Guo, J. Bartram, and J. Davis (2018). Pathways to sustainability: A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis of rural water supply programs. Journal of Cleaner Production, 205, 789-798.
  • Kaminsky, J., and E. Kumpel (2018). Dry Pipes: Associations between Utility Performance and Intermittent Piped Water Supply in Low and Middle Income Countries. Water, 10(8), 1032.
  • Kumpel, E.c and Delaire C., R. Peletz c, J. Kisiangani, A. Rinehold, J. DeFrance, D. Sutherland, R. Khush (2018). Measuring the impacts of Water Safety Plans in the Asia-Pacific Region. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(6), 1223.
  • Peletz, R., J. Kisiangani, M. Bonham, P. Ronoh, C. Delaire, E. Kumpel, S. Marks, R. Khush (2018). Why do water quality monitoring programs succeed or fail? A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of regulated testing in sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 221(6): 907-920.
  • Taylor, D.J., R. Peletz, R. Khush, E. Kumpel (2018). Efficacy of microbial sampling recommendations and practices in sub-Saharan Africa. Water Research, 134, pp 115-124.
  • Murray, A., E. Kumpel, R. Peletz, R.S. Khush, D.S. Lantagne (2017). The effect of sodium thiosulfate dechlorination on fecal indicator bacteria enumeration: Laboratory and field data. Journal of Water and Health, 7(4). DOI: 10.2166/washdev.2017.071
  • Bivins, A., T. Sumner, E. Kumpel, G. Howard, O. Cumming, I. Ross, K. Nelson, J. Brown (2017). Estimating infection risks and the global burden of diarrheal disease attributable to intermittent water supply using QMRA. Environmental Science and Technology, 51(13), pp 7542–7551.
  • Delaire, C., R. Peletz, E. Kumpel, J. Kisiangani, R. Bain, R. Khush (2017). How much will it cost to monitor microbial drinking water quality in sub-Saharan Africa? Environmental Science and Technology, 51 (11), pp 5869–5878.
  • Kumpel, E., C. Woelfe-Erskine, I. Ray, and K. Nelson (2017). Measuring household consumption and waste in unmetered, intermittent piped water systems. Water Resources Research, 53. doi:10.1002/2016WR019702.
  • Misati, A.,a G. Ogendi, R. Peletz, R. Khush, and E. Kumpel (2017). Can sanitary surveys replace water quality testing? Evidence from Kisii, Kenya. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(2). doi:10.3390/ijerph14020152
  • Kumpel, E., A. Cock-Esteb, M. Duret, D. de Waal, and R. Khush (2017). Seasonal variation in drinking and domestic water sources and quality in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 96(2): 437-445. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.16-0175
  • Mellor, J., E. Kumpel, A. Ercumen, and J. Zimmerman (2016). A systems approach to climate, water and diarrhea in Hubli-Dharwad, India. Environmental Science & Technology, 50 (23).
  • Kumpel, E., R. Peletz, M. Bonham, and R. Khush (2016). Assessing drinking water quality and water safety management in sub-Saharan Africa using regulated monitoring data. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(20):10869-10876. doi:10.1021/acs.est.6b02707.
  • Kumpel, E., R. Peletz, J. Albert, D. de Waal, M. Hirn, A. Danilenko, V. Uhl, A. Daw, and R. Khush (2016). Urban water services in fragile states: An analysis of drinking water sources and quality in Port Harcourt, Nigeria and Monrovia, Liberia. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 15 (0766).
  • Peletz, R., E. Kumpel, M. Bonham, Z. Rahman, and R. Khush (2016). To what extent is drinking water tested in sub-Saharan Africa? A comparative analysis of regulated water quality monitoring. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13 (3).
  • Kumpel, E. and K. Nelson (2016). Intermittent Water Supply: Prevalence, Practice, and Microbial Water Quality. Environmental Science & Technology, 50 (2).
  • Ercumen, A., B. F. Arnold, E. Kumpel, Z. Burt, I. Ray, K. Nelson, and J. M. Colford Jr. (2015). Upgrading a piped water supply from intermittent to continuous delivery and association with waterborne illness: A matched cohort study in urban India. PLoS Medicine, 12(10).
  • Kumpel, E., R. Peletz, M. Bonham, A. Fay, A. Cock-Esteb, and R. Khush (2015). When are mobile phones useful for water quality data collection? An analysis of data flows and ICT applications among regulated monitoring institutions in sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12 (9), 10846–10860.
  • Kumpel, E. and K. Nelson (2014). Mechanisms affecting water quality in an intermittent piped water supply. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(5), 2766–2775.
  • Kumpel, E. and K. Nelson (2013). Comparing microbial water quality in an intermittent and continuous piped water supply. Water Research, 47(14), 5176–5188.