Recently added electronic journals

The following new e-journals can be retrieved through the UMass Amherst Library catalog and the E-Journal List:

  • American economic review, 2002-
  • Arbitrium, 2002 – (19:2)
  • British journal of sports medicine, 1998-
  • Empirical studies of the arts, 2002-
  • Health care in Canada, 2001-
  • Hortscience, 1990-
  • Innnate Immunity, 1999-
  • Journal of economic perspectives, 2002-
  • Journal of economic review, 2002-
  • Journal of fourier analysis and applications, 1997-
  • Journal of herbs, spices & medicinal plants, 1995-
  • Journal of homosexuality, 1993-
  • Lien social et politques, 1994-
  • Northern journal of applied forestry, 1984-
  • Russell: The journal of Bertrand Russell Studies, v.91 (1971)-
  • Southern journal of applied forestry, 1977-
  • Strength and conditioning journal, 1999-
  • Synthesis, 2008-
  • Viral immunology, 2000-
  • Western journal of applied forestry, 1986-
  • Zeitschrift fur Sprachwissenschaft, 2004-


This is a shared account and space for the Electronic Resources unit to let you know about: -- online journals and databases we've added or deleted; -- system downtimes and access problems; -- highlights and points of interest.

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