Recent E-Journal Additions

The following electronic journals are newly available to the University of Massachusetts community. You can connect to them through the UMass Amherst library catalog or the E-Journal List:

  • Canadian journal of plant pathology, v.23 (2001)-
  • Contemporary music review, v.1 (1987)-
  • Entomological science, v.6 (2003)-
  • Forest science, v.1 (1955)-
  • Heredity, v1. (1947)-
  • Journal of endocrinology, v.154:3 (1997)-
  • Journal of molecular endocrinology, v.2 (1997)-
  • Journal of psychology, v.138 (2004)-
  • Journal of symbolic logic, v.67 (2002)-
  • Journal of the mathematical society of Japan, v. 54 (2002)-
  • Organophosphorus Chemistry, v.33 (2003)-
  • Polis, v.15 (1998)-
  • Publications mathematicae, v.40 (1992)-
  • Research and theory for nursing practice, v.1 (1987)-
  • Rocky mountain journal of mathematics, v. 20 (1990)-
  • Textual Cultures, v.1 (2006)-
  • Tohoku mathematical journal, v.42 (1990)-


This is a shared account and space for the Electronic Resources unit to let you know about: -- online journals and databases we've added or deleted; -- system downtimes and access problems; -- highlights and points of interest.

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