The Libraries has a new subscription to a package of electronic journals published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. The following titles are available through the UMass Amherst library catalog or the E-Journal List:
- Journal of Electronic Packaging, v.112 (1990)-
- Journal of Energy Resources Technology, v. 112 (1990)-
- Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, v.112 (1990)-
- Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology,v.112 (1990)-
- Journal of Fluids Engineering, v.112 (1990)-
- Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology – V.1 (2004)-
- Journal of Heat Transfer, v.112 (1990)-
- Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, v.118, n.2 (1996)-
- Journal of Mechanical Design, v.112 ( 1990)-
- Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, V.1 (2009)-
- Journal of Medical Devices – v.1 (2007)-
- Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering – V.112 (1990)-
- Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology – v.112 (1990)-
- Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, v.112 (1990)-
- Journal of Tribology, v.112 ( 1990)-
- Journal of Turbomachinery, v.112 ( 1990)-
- Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, v.112 ( 1990)-
For assistance using these and other engineering resources, contact the engineering liaison, Cecilia Mullen, at 545-1254.