The following electronic journals have been added to the collection. You may retrieve these journals through the UMass Amherst library catalog or the E-Journal List.
- Applied biochemistry and biotechnology, 1997-
- The auk, 1884-2001
- Bird banding, 1930-1979
- Bulletin of field ornithology, 1980-1999
- Bulletin of the Northeastern Birdbanding Association, 1925-1929
- Bulletin – Wader Study Group, 1970-2004
- California birds, 1970-1972
- Child Development Perspectives, 2007-
- The condor, 1899-2000
- Conference Papers – International Studies Association, 1998-
- Digital Defoe, 2009-
- Experimental mathematics, 1992-
- Functiones et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici, 2002-
- History Compass, 2003-
- International wader studies, 1970-2002
- IUBMB Life, 1996-
- Japan journal of industrial and applied mathematics, 2006-
- The Journal of Ecocriticism, 2009-
- The journal of raptor research, 1967-2005
- Literature compass, 2004-
- North American bird bander, 1976-2000
- Ornitología neotropical, 1990-2002
- Ornithological monographs, 1965-2001
- Pacific coast avifauna, 1900-1974
- Percussive Notes, 1963-
- Philosophy compass, 2006-
- Publicationes matematiques, 2007-
- Raptor research, 1972-1986
- Raptor research news, 1967-1971
- Renewable energy focus, 2007 –
- Revista matematica Iberoamericana, 2002-
- Studies in avian biology, 1978-1999
- Tokyo journal of mathematics, 2006-
- Western birds, 1973-2006
- Wilson bulletin, 1889-1999
In addition, open access titles have been made available from the following collections:
- Compact Memory Internet Archive for Jewish Periodicals – 99 titles in German
- European Union Publications – 74 titles
- Project Euclid Open Access Journals – 19 titles
- Project Euclid Open Access Monographs – 99 titles