More New E-Journals

The Libraries have activated the following new e-journal subscriptions. You may find them in the  UMass Amherst library catalog or the E-Journal List:

  • EAS (European Astronomical Society) Publication Series, 2001-
  • Episteme, 2004-
  • International journal of meteorology and quality engineering, 2010-
  • Israel law review, 2012-
  • Journal of dentofacial anomalies and orthodontics, 2010-
  • Mécanique & industries, 2004-
  • Medical history, 2010-
  • Revue de métallurgie, 2000-


This is a shared account and space for the Electronic Resources unit to let you know about: -- online journals and databases we've added or deleted; -- system downtimes and access problems; -- highlights and points of interest.

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