New Reference Titles

The Libraries have activated the following new reference e-books. You may find them in the UMass Amherst library catalog:

  • The American marketplace: demographics and spending patterns, 10th ed.
  • The art & craft of case writing, 3rd ed.
  • Encyclopedia Islamic Finance
  • Encyclopedia of climate and weather
  • Encyclopedia of Sports Management and Marketing
  • Forecasting financial markets: the psychology of successful investing 6th ed
  • Green logistics: improving the environmental sustainability of logistics
  • Handbook of international corporate governance, 2nd ed.
  • How to write persuasively today
  • International communications strategy: developments in cross-cultural communications, PR and social media

If you would like assistance using any of these sources, contact a reference librarian.


This is a shared account and space for the Electronic Resources unit to let you know about: -- online journals and databases we've added or deleted; -- system downtimes and access problems; -- highlights and points of interest.

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