The Libraries have activated the following reference databases under the ProQuest and Chadwyck Healey names. You may find each resources in the UMass Amherst library catalog or listed in the Libraries’ Research Databases listings:
- American Film Institute Catalog (AFI)
- Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA)
- Arts and Humanities Full Text (A&H FT)
- Criminal Justice (formerly CJPI)
- Design and Applied Arts Index (DAAI)
- FIAF (International Index to Film Periodicals) Plus
- Film Index International (FII)
- International Bibliography of Art (IBA)
- International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
- International Index to the Performing ARts Full Text
- PILOTS: Published International Literature On Traumatic Stress
- ProQuest Social Science Journals
- Social Services Abstracts (SSA)
If you would like assistance using any of these sources, contact a reference librarian.