Film & Television Literature Index, America: History & Live, and Historical Abstracts now with full text

The Libraries has upgraded its subscriptions to include full-text with the following indexes:

  • Film and Television Literature Index with Full Text – includes indexing and abstracts for over 380 journals and magazines and full-text from 120 of them, film reviews from Variety going back to 1914, and broad subject coverage of film and television production and history.
  • America: History and Life with Full Text – covers history and culture of Canada and the United States back to 1955 with indexing of 1,700 journals and full-text of 200 journals and 100 books.
  • Historical Abstracts with Full Text – covers the history of the world with indexing of over 1,800 journals and full-text of 349 journals and 129 books since 1955.

If you have questions or comments about any of these resources, contact a librarian.


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