The following electronic journals have been added to the collection. You may retrieve these journals through the UMass Amherst library catalog or the E-Journal List.
- Astrophysical journal letters, 1995-
- Biofabrication, 2009-
- Bioinspiration & biomimetics, 2006-2008
- Biomedical materials, 2006-2008
- British journal of applied physics, 1950-1967
- Chinese journal of astronomy and astrophysics, 2007
- Chinese journal of chemical physics, 2006-2008
- Chinese physics B, 2008
- Communications in theoretical physics, 2005-2008
- IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science, 2008-
- IOP conference series: Materials science and engineering, 2009-
- Journal of breath research, 2007-
- Journal of physics and engineering, 2005-2008
- The journal of nuclear energy. Part C, plasma physics, acceleratrosrmonuclear research, 1960-1966
- Journal of physics. A, general physics, 1968-1972
- Journal of physics. A, mathematical, nuclear and general, 1973-1974
- Journal of physics. C, solid state physics, 1968-1988
- Journal of physics. F, metal physics, 1971-1988
- Journal of the European Optical Society. Part B, quantum and semiclassical optics, 1995-1998
- Journal of scientific instruments, 1923-1967
- Journal of semiconductors, 2009-
- Mathematics of the USSR, 1967-1993
- The percussionist, 1963-1980
- Vivarium, 1963-
- World conservation, 2002