The following electronic journals have been added to the collection. You may retrieve these journals through the UMass Amherst library catalog or the E-Journal List.
- AAS photo-bulletin, 1969-1986
- Acta astronomica, 1956-2006
- African skies, 1997 –
- American missionary, 1878-1901
- Annales d’astrophysique, 1938-1968
- Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1963-1995
- Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 1973-1996
- Arkiv fur astronomi, 1955-1974
- Astronomische Nachrichten, 1823-1998
- Astronomy & astrophysics. Supplement series, 1970 – 1996
- Astronomy and astrophysics, 1969-2000
- Astronomy letters, 1975-2000
- Autism research 2008-
- Bulletin astronomique de Belgrade, 1992-1996
- Astrophysica norvegica, 1936-1968
- Astrophysics and space science, 1968-1993 & 1995-1996
- Australian journal of physics, 1948-1996
- Australian journal of physics. Astrophysical supplement, 1966-1977
- Baltic astronomy, 1992-2006
- Botanicus database of 27 fulltext botanical journals, mostly archival
- Bulletin of the astronomical institutes of Czechoslovakia, 1947-1991
- Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, 1973-1998
- Celestial mechanics and dynamical astronomy, 1969-1997
- Ceonmun haghoeji, 1968 –
- ChemCatChem, 2009-
- Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2001-2007
- Ciel et terre, 1908-1966
- Earth, moon, and planets, 1969-1996
- EMBO molecular medicine, 2009-
- Energy Engineering, 2000-
- English Literature in Transition, 2004-
- Exilpresse digital collection (30 titles from the German National Library’s Exile publications) 1933-1945
- Harper’s new monthly magazine, 1850-1899
- Historical Jewish press collection (7 Jewish newspapers from different historical periods in three languages from the National Library of Israel)
- History of science, 1962-2005
- Journal des observateurs, 1917-1968
- Journal for the history of astronomy, 1970-2005
- Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 1980-2001
- Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1981-2002
- Laser & photonics reviews, 2007-
- Max Planck Digital Library, 74 historical titles on European jurisprudence.
Memorie della Societa astronomica italiana, 1986 – - Meteoritics & planetary science, 1953-2003
- Meteoritics, 1953-1995
- Microgravity Science and technology, 2001-
- Miguel de Cervantes Digital Library Collection, 42 titles relating to Catalan, Spanish and Hispano-American culture.
- Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1827-2004
- NauÄ nye informacii – AstronomiÄ eskij sovet Akademii nauk SSSR, 1965-1991
- New – England Magazine, 1831-1835
- New Englander and Yale Review, 1843-1892
- North American review, 1815-1900
- Official records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion
- Personality & mental health, 2007-
- Prace Astronomickaho observataria na Skalnatom Plese, 1983-1986 & 1987-1990
- Proceedings – Astronomical Society of Australia, 1976-1994
- Publications Astronomical Society of Australia, 1970-1998
- Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 1949-2000
- Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1889-1997
- Punchinello, 1870
- Putnam’s Monthly Magazine of American Literature, Science, and Art, 1853-1870
- Review of behavioral finance, 2009-
- Revista mexicana de astronomia y astrophysica, 1974 –
- Scientific American, 1846-1869
- Scribner’s Magazine, 1877-1896
- Scribner’s Monthly, 1870-1881
- Serbian astronomical journal, 1996-2005
- SISBIB, a collection of 33 academic journals from Peru
- Skalnate pleso contributions of the astronomical observatory, 1991-2000
- Sociology of health & illness, 1997 – 4 years ago
- Solar physics, 1967-1996
- Soviet astronomy, 1957-1993
- Space science reviews, 1962-1996
- Sports technology, 2008-
- Statistical analysis and data mining, 2008-
- The American Whig Review, 1845-1852
- The Astronomical journal, 1849-1997
- The Astrophysical Journal, 1895-1996, 1999
- The Astrophysical journal. Supplement series, 1970-1996
- The Atlantic monthly, 1857-1901
- The Bay State Monthly, 1884-1885
- The Century, 1881-1899
- The Continental Monthly, 1862-1864
- The Galaxy, 1866-1878
- The International magazine of literature, art, and science, 1850-1852
- The Irish astronomical journal, 1951-2000
- The journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers, 1972-2002
- The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 1907-2007
The Living Age, 1844-1900 - The Manufacturer and Builder, 1869-1894
- The New England Magazine, 1886-1900
- The Observatory, 1887-2005
- The Old Guard, 1863-1867
- The Quarterly journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1960-1996
- The Strolling astronomer, 1985-2003
- The United States Democratic Review, 1837-1859
- Timarit, archival newspaper collections from the Faroe Islands, Greenland & Iceland, 282 titles
- WGN Journal of the International Meteor Organization, 1994-2005
- Zeitschrift fur Astrophysik, 1930-1968