Baltimore Afro-American (1893-1988) and New York Amsterdam News (1922-1993) e-Newspapers Added

The Libraries have purchased the Baltimore Afro-American (1893-1988) and New York Amsterdam News (1922-1993) as electronic archives. These historically black newspapers are available on the ProQuest platform and offer accounts of significant and everyday events in African American and American culture.

For assistance with these resources, contact Isabel Espinal, Afro-American Studies liaison librarian at 413-545-6817.

Trials for 5 Jewish-American and Jewish Historical Newspapers

The Libraries now have trials for the following historical newspapers:

These trials end April 19th, 2012. If you have questions or comments, please contact Peter Stern, Middle Eastern and Judaic Studies liaison librarian, at 413-545-3967.

Black Abolitionist Papers, 1830-1865 Added

The Libraries have purchased access to a database, Black Abolitionist Papers 1830-1865 from ProQuest. This collection of primary source materials includes correspondence of major African American leaders; speeches, sermons, and lectures; articles, essays, editorials, and other major writings from more than 200 African American, abolitionist, and reform newspapers; and receipts, poems, and other miscellaneous documents. Geographic coverage is Canada, the United States and the British Isles. To access the papers, you can browse or search by document type, title, source, location and date.

If you’d like assistance using this resources, contact Isabel Espinal, Afro-American library liaison at 413-545-6817.

New Collection of Newspapers from the Middle East

The Middle East Newsstand is a recent addition to the Libraries’ newspaper resources. With more than 30 current, full text newspaper French- and English-language newspapers from the Arab world, Israel, and the subcontinent, this collection provides access to timely news and analysis from regional sources.

Contact Peter Stern, Middle Eastern Studies Liaison Librarian, at 413-545-3967 for assistance with this resource.

Hispanic American Newspapers – Two new trials

U.S. Hispanic Newstand provides local, regional, national and international news from the Hispanic perspective and includes newspapers from around the country from 1990 to the present. The trial continues through October 9th, 2010.

Hispanic American Newspapers, 1808-1980 provides historical coverage of Hispanic American newspapers. This trial continues through October 29th, 2010.

Contact Jim Kelly, Humanities Bibliographer, at 413-545-3981 with questions or comments.