The Libraries have added the General Engineering & Engineering Management e-book collection from Knovel. If you’d like assistance using these sources, contact Maxine Schmidt or Paulina Borrego, Engineering Liaisons, at 413-545-1370
Trial of Institution of Civil Engineers Virtual Library
The Institution of Civil Engineers Virtual Library is largest online civil engineering resource in the world. It includes books, journals, recruitment and training, as well as best practice, news and networking opportunities around the NEC and Eurocodes. Explore the full archive of the Institution of Civil Engineers back to 1836.
This trial goes through May 13th, 2010. If you have questions or comments, contact Maxine Schmidt, Geosciences library liaison, at 413-545-6739.
Trial for AccessEngineering
AccessEngineering from McGraw-Hill is a redesign of their Digital Engineering Library. Content is derived from print handbooks on chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and covers 14 major areas of engineering.
For the username and password to login to AccessEngineering, contact Maxine Schmidt at 413-545-3739. This trial will continue until March 1st, 2010.
National Academy of Sciences Biographical Memoirs
The National Academy of Sciences Biographical Memoirs provides brief biographies of deceased members of the National Academy of Science, written by people who best knew their work. “These biographies provide a personal and scholarly view of the lives and work of America’s most distinguished scientists and a biographical history of science in the United States.”
NIST TRC Web Thermo Tables Available Online
We now have a subscription to the Web Thermo Tables (WTT) Professional Edition from the National Institute of Standards and Technology. WTT “represents a complete collection of critically evaluated thermodynamic property data primarily for pure organic compounds.”
For assistance using this resource, conact Paulina Borrego, 545-7891, or Cecilia Mullen, 577-1254.
New Electronic Book Collection: Springer eBook Collection
The Libraries have purchased a collection of book series, major reference works and monographs and textbooks published by Springer between 2005 – 2009. The collection of 15,590 works covers:
- architecture, design & arts
- behavioral science
- biomedical & life sciences
- business & economics
- chemistry & material sciences
- computer science
- earth & environmental science
- engineering
- humanities, social sciences & law
- mathematics
- medicine
- physics & astronomy
- professional computing & web design.
The most titles are available in the computer science, engineering and mathematics disciplines. Individual title records will be available in the UMass Amherst library catalog, and the SpringerLink site offers a search interface for all that Springer has to offer. Items to which the UMass Amherst community has access are denoted with a green box.
New E-journals from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
The Libraries has a new subscription to a package of electronic journals published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. The following titles are available through the UMass Amherst library catalog or the E-Journal List:
- Journal of Electronic Packaging, v.112 (1990)-
- Journal of Energy Resources Technology, v. 112 (1990)-
- Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, v.112 (1990)-
- Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology,v.112 (1990)-
- Journal of Fluids Engineering, v.112 (1990)-
- Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology – V.1 (2004)-
- Journal of Heat Transfer, v.112 (1990)-
- Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, v.118, n.2 (1996)-
- Journal of Mechanical Design, v.112 ( 1990)-
- Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, V.1 (2009)-
- Journal of Medical Devices – v.1 (2007)-
- Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering – V.112 (1990)-
- Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology – v.112 (1990)-
- Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, v.112 (1990)-
- Journal of Tribology, v.112 ( 1990)-
- Journal of Turbomachinery, v.112 ( 1990)-
- Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, v.112 ( 1990)-
For assistance using these and other engineering resources, contact the engineering liaison, Cecilia Mullen, at 545-1254.
Chemistry Resource ‘SciFinder’ Now Available via the Web
Long available only with the Scholar client, you can now register for an account to search SciFinder via the web. When you register for a web account, you’ll receive your own username and password. This, in conjunction with IP authentication of a computer on the UMass network, will enable you to search SciFinder through your web browser, rather than with the Scholar client.
To register for a SciFinder web account and to connect to the SciFinder web version, visit the Library’s SciFinder page. Should you want to download the SciFinder Scholar client, it’s available from this page too.
The Library has purchased access to SciFinder for 6 simultaneous users. Please, when you finish your work, logoff SciFinder so others can connect to it.
For more information about the database, visit the SciFinder site. If you would like assistance using SciFinder, contact the Chemistry librarian, Paulina Borrego.
Synthesis Digital Library of Engineering and Computer Science
Published by Morgan & Claypool, the Synthesis Digital Library collects peer-reviewed and authoritative reports and lectures on important research and new developments in the fields of engineering and computer science. This collection includes 100 current reports and lectures.
For more information or assistance with using this resource, contact Cecilia Mullen, the librarian for engineering and computer science.
Database for Sustainable Building Practices
BuildingGreen Suite collects articles on sustainable design, U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) rating system and GreenSpec Guideline Specifications; case studies of high performance buildings; and a directory of green products from windows and doors, to paints & coatings, sitework and landscaping, insulation and lighting. It also includes issues of Environmental Building News back to 1992. The database is designed for browsing, though simple search is also available.