New E-Journals Added to the Collection

To supplement current content, the Libraries have purchased the Archive of Endocrine Society journals which provides additional access to the following titles:

  • Endocrine reviews, 1980-1996
  • Molecular endocrinology, 1987-
  • Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 1941
  • Endocrinology, 1917-

We’ve also added:

  • Quaderni d’italianistica, 1980 –

You may retrieve these journals through the UMass Amherst library catalog or the E-Journal List.

Two New Political Science Databases

The Libraries now subscribe to Worldwide Political Science Abstracts and PQ Political Science, both from ProQuest. Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (WPSA) provides indexing and abstracts to the contents of over 1,500 serials, as well as books, book chapters, dissertations and work papers. As the title suggests, coverage is international. PQ Political Science provides full-text content of many of the core titles included in WPSA and 150 journals in all.

If you have questions or would like specialist assistance with these new resources, contact Barbara Morgan, Political Science Liaison Librarian, at 413-545-6850.

New E-Journals Added to the Collection

The following electronic journals have been added to the collection. You may retrieve these journals through the UMass Amherst library catalog or the E-Journal List.

  • Applied Turfgrass Science, 2004-
  • Arthropod Management Tests, 2005-
  • Asian Journal of Control, 1999-
  • Asia-Pacific Psychiatry, 2009-
  • Biological and Cultural Tests for Control of Plant Diseases, 2001-
  • Crop Management, 2002-
  • Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development, 1998-
  • Forage and Grazninglands, 2004-
  • Global Policy, 2010-
  • Harvard Education Letters, 1997-
  • International Review of Qualitative Research, 2008-
  • Journal of Biophotonics, 2008-
  • Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 2010-
  • Nihonkai Mathematical Journal, 2009-
  • Plant Disease Management Reports, 2000-
  • Plant Health Progress, 2000-
  • Reviews in aquaculture,  2009-
  • Security & Communication Networks, 2008-
  • Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, 1983-

E-Journals Added to Collection

The following electronic journals have been added to the collection. You may retrieve these journals through the UMass Amherst library catalog or the E-Journal List.

  • Annals of human biology, 1974 –
  • Advertising age, 1992 –
  • American Journal of Veterinary Research, 2000 –
  • American Mineralist, 1998 –
  • Aztlan, 1970 –
  • Bulletin of marine science, 1951 –
  • Chinese physics c, 2008 –
  • EcoScience, 2010 –
  • IAPA news, 2008 –
  • Information design journal, 2008 –
  • The Journal of horticultural science & biotechnology, 1999 –
  • Journal of food science & technology, 2010 –
  • Journal of optics, 1999 –
  • Journal of the society of architectural historians, 2010 –
  • Labour history review, 2005 –
  • Library hi tech, 2003 –
  • Literary journalism studies, 2009 –
  • Revue philosophique de Louvain, 1990 –

New E-Journals in Collection

The following electronic journals have been added to the collection. You may retrieve these journals through the UMass Amherst library catalog or the E-Journal List.

  • American Journal of Archaeology, 2010-
  • Canadian journal of fisheries & aquatic sciences, 1996-
  • Canadian journal of zoology, 1998-
  • Educational assessment, 1993-
  • Interdisciplinary studies in literature and environment, 1996-
  • Irish geography, 1970-
  • Journal of Anglican studies, 2008-
  • Journal of business strategy, 2003-
  • Journal of church and state, 1959-
  • Journal of continuing higher education, 2009-
  • Journal of documentation, 1997-
  • Journal of nanotechnology in engineering and medicine, 2010-
  • Library hi tech news, 1999-
  • The Michigan mathematical journal, 1952-
  • New Statesman, 1999-
  • Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 2001-2007
  • Population and vital statistics report: Series A, 2006-
  • Public Manager, 1972-
  • Respiratory care, 1990-
  • Roeper review, 1979-
  • Science Signaling, 1999-
  • Social sciences in China, 2008-
  • Sociology of religion, 1996-

E-Journals Added to Collection

The following electronic journals have been added to the collection. You may retrieve these journals through the UMass Amherst library catalog or the E-Journal List.

  • Applied Solar Energy, 2007-
  • Choice, 1998-
  • Current Protocols in Cell Biology, 1998-
  • Current Protocols in Neuroscience, 1997-
  • Digital Studies, 1992-
  • GFF, 1998-
  • INFOR, 2009-
  • International Journal of Geomechanics, 2001-
  • Journal of Beckett Studies, 2008-
  • Journal of Commutative Algebra, 1996-
  • Journal of Dairy Science, 1917-
  • Journal of Green Building, 2006-
  • Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, 1988-
  • Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, 2009-
  • Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, 2010-
  • Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2008-
  • Nature Chemistry, 2009-
  • New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 2008-
  • Quest, 1963-
  • Research Design Connections, 2002-
  • Science News, 1997