Nursing E-Journals Added to Collection

The Libraries have a new subscription to the Ovid Nursing Full-Text Plus Collection which provides site license access to 43 e-journals. You may retrieve these journals through the UMass Amherst library catalog, the E-Journal List or directly at Nursing Journals at Ovid. Those marked with an asterisk ‘*’ are new titles to our collection.

  • AACN Advanced Critical Care, 1996-
  • Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal, 2006-, *
  • Advances in Neonatal Care, 2001-, *
  • Advances in Nursing Science (ANS), 1995-
  • Advances in Skin and Wound Care: The Journal for Prevention and Healing, 2001-, *
  • AJN:  American Journal of Nursing, 1996-
  • Cancer Nursing™: An International Journal for Cancer Care, 1996-
  • CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 1996-
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS), 1996-
  • Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, 1999-
  • Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 2001-
  • Family & Community Health, 1999-, *
  • Gastroenterology Nursing, 1996-, *
  • Health Care Management Review, 1997-
  • Holistic Nursing Practice, 1999-
  • Home Healthcare Nurse, 2000-
  • JONA’s Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation, 2001-
  • JONA: Journal of Nursing Administration, 1996-
  • Journal for Nurses in Staff Development(JNSD), 1996-
  • Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 1998-, *
  • Journal of Christian Nursing, 2002-, *
  • Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 2002-
  • Journal of Infusion Nursing, 1996-, *
  • Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 1998-
  • Journal of Patient Safety, 2005-
  • Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, 1999-, *
  • Journal of Trauma Nursing, 2000-, *
  • Journal of WOCN (Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing), 2000-, *
  • LPN, 2005-
  • MCN, The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, 1996-
  • Nurse Educator, 1996-
  • Nurse Practitioner, 2001-
  • Nursing Administration Quarterly, 1999-
  • Nursing Critical Care: The Journal of Critical Care Excellence, 2006-, *
  • Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, 2003-, *
  • Nursing Management (Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins), 2001-
  • Nursing Research, 1996-
  • Nursing, 2002-, *
  • Nutrition Today, 2000-
  • OR Nurse, 2007-, *
  • Orthopaedic Nursing, 2001-, *
  • Plastic Surgical Nursing, 2004-, *
  • Professional Case Management, 1996-, *

In addition, we now have single user access to the following new titles:

  • Chest, 1995-
  • Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 2002-
  • Nursing Times, 2005-

If you have questions or would like assistance using these e-journals, contact Jim Craig, Nursing Liaison Librarian, at 545-6690.

E-Journals Added to Collection

The following electronic journals have been added to the collection. You may retrieve these journals through the UMass Amherst library catalog or the E-Journal List.

  • Feminist Studies, 2003-
  • Lettere Italiane, 2009-
  • Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 2009-
  • Republics of Letters, 2009-
  • Semantics & Pragmatics, 2007-
  • Tree Physiology, 1986-

In addition, the Libraries have purchased JSTOR Arts & Sciences VIII, an archival collection of arts and humanities titles. A list of titles in the collection is available from JSTOR. Individual titles may be found through the library catalog or e-journal list.

E-Journals Added to Collection

The following electronic journals have been added to the collection. You may retrieve these journals through the UMass Amherst library catalog or the E-Journal List.

  • AAS photo-bulletin, 1969-1986
  • Acta astronomica, 1956-2006
  • African skies, 1997 –
  • American missionary, 1878-1901
  • Annales d’astrophysique, 1938-1968
  • Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1963-1995
  • Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 1973-1996
  • Arkiv fur astronomi, 1955-1974
  • Astronomische Nachrichten, 1823-1998
  • Astronomy & astrophysics. Supplement series, 1970 – 1996
  • Astronomy and astrophysics, 1969-2000
  • Astronomy letters, 1975-2000
  • Autism research 2008-
  • Bulletin astronomique de Belgrade, 1992-1996
  • Astrophysica norvegica, 1936-1968
  • Astrophysics and space science, 1968-1993 & 1995-1996
  • Australian journal of physics, 1948-1996
  • Australian journal of physics. Astrophysical supplement, 1966-1977
  • Baltic astronomy, 1992-2006
  • Botanicus database of 27 fulltext botanical journals, mostly archival
  • Bulletin of the astronomical institutes of Czechoslovakia, 1947-1991
  • Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, 1973-1998
  • Celestial mechanics and dynamical astronomy, 1969-1997
  • Ceonmun haghoeji, 1968 –
  • ChemCatChem, 2009-
  • Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2001-2007
  • Ciel et terre, 1908-1966
  • Earth, moon, and planets, 1969-1996
  • EMBO molecular medicine, 2009-
  • Energy Engineering, 2000-
  • English Literature in Transition, 2004-
  • Exilpresse digital collection (30 titles from the German National Library’s Exile publications) 1933-1945
  • Harper’s new monthly magazine, 1850-1899
  • Historical Jewish press collection (7 Jewish newspapers from different historical periods in three languages from the National Library of Israel)
  • History of science, 1962-2005
  • Journal des observateurs, 1917-1968
  • Journal for the history of astronomy, 1970-2005
  • Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 1980-2001
  • Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1981-2002
  • Laser & photonics reviews, 2007-
  • Max Planck Digital Library, 74 historical titles on European jurisprudence.
    Memorie della Societa astronomica italiana, 1986 –
  • Meteoritics & planetary science, 1953-2003
  • Meteoritics, 1953-1995
  • Microgravity Science and technology, 2001-
  • Miguel de Cervantes Digital Library Collection, 42 titles relating to Catalan, Spanish and Hispano-American culture.
  • Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1827-2004
  • NauÄ nye informacii – AstronomiÄ eskij sovet Akademii nauk SSSR, 1965-1991
  • New – England Magazine, 1831-1835
  • New Englander and Yale Review, 1843-1892
  • North American review, 1815-1900
  • Official records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion
  • Personality & mental health, 2007-
  • POPULAR ASTRONOMY, 1904-1951
  • Prace Astronomickaho observataria na Skalnatom Plese, 1983-1986 & 1987-1990
  • Proceedings – Astronomical Society of Australia, 1976-1994
  • Publications Astronomical Society of Australia, 1970-1998
  • Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 1949-2000
  • Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1889-1997
  • Punchinello, 1870
  • Putnam’s Monthly Magazine of American Literature, Science, and Art, 1853-1870
  • Review of behavioral finance, 2009-
  • Revista mexicana de astronomia y astrophysica, 1974 –
  • Scientific American, 1846-1869
  • Scribner’s Magazine, 1877-1896
  • Scribner’s Monthly, 1870-1881
  • Serbian astronomical journal, 1996-2005
  • SISBIB, a collection of 33 academic journals from Peru
  • Skalnate pleso contributions of the astronomical observatory, 1991-2000
  • Sociology of health & illness, 1997 – 4 years ago
  • Solar physics, 1967-1996
  • Soviet astronomy, 1957-1993
  • Space science reviews, 1962-1996
  • Sports technology, 2008-
  • Statistical analysis and data mining, 2008-
  • The American Whig Review, 1845-1852
  • The Astronomical journal, 1849-1997
  • The Astrophysical Journal, 1895-1996, 1999
  • The Astrophysical journal. Supplement series, 1970-1996
  • The Atlantic monthly, 1857-1901
  • The Bay State Monthly, 1884-1885
  • The Century, 1881-1899
  • The Continental Monthly, 1862-1864
  • The Galaxy, 1866-1878
  • The International magazine of literature, art, and science, 1850-1852
  • The Irish astronomical journal, 1951-2000
  • The journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers, 1972-2002
  • The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 1907-2007
    The Living Age, 1844-1900
  • The Manufacturer and Builder, 1869-1894
  • The New England Magazine, 1886-1900
  • The Observatory, 1887-2005
  • The Old Guard, 1863-1867
  • The Quarterly journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1960-1996
  • The Strolling astronomer, 1985-2003
  • The United States Democratic Review, 1837-1859
  • Timarit, archival newspaper collections from the Faroe Islands, Greenland & Iceland, 282 titles
  • WGN Journal of the International Meteor Organization, 1994-2005
  • Zeitschrift fur Astrophysik, 1930-1968

E-journals added to collection

The following electronic journals have been added to the collection. You may retrieve these journals through the UMass Amherst library catalog or the E-Journal List.

  • Astrophysical journal letters, 1995-
  • Biofabrication, 2009-
  • Bioinspiration & biomimetics, 2006-2008
  • Biomedical materials, 2006-2008
  • British journal of applied physics, 1950-1967
  • Chinese journal of astronomy and astrophysics, 2007
  • Chinese journal of chemical physics, 2006-2008
  • Chinese physics B, 2008
  • Communications in theoretical physics, 2005-2008
  • IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science, 2008-
  • IOP conference series: Materials science and engineering, 2009-
  • Journal of breath research, 2007-
  • Journal of physics and engineering, 2005-2008
  • The journal of nuclear energy. Part C, plasma physics, acceleratrosrmonuclear research, 1960-1966
  • Journal of physics. A, general physics, 1968-1972
  • Journal of physics. A, mathematical, nuclear and general, 1973-1974
  • Journal of physics. C, solid state physics, 1968-1988
  • Journal of physics. F, metal physics, 1971-1988
  • Journal of the European Optical Society. Part B, quantum and semiclassical optics, 1995-1998
  • Journal of scientific instruments, 1923-1967
  • Journal of semiconductors, 2009-
  • Mathematics of the USSR, 1967-1993
  • The percussionist, 1963-1980
  • Vivarium, 1963-
  • World conservation, 2002

Electronic Journals Added to Collection

The following electronic journals have been added to the collection. You may retrieve these journals through the UMass Amherst library catalog or the E-Journal List.

  • Applied biochemistry and biotechnology, 1997-
  • The auk, 1884-2001
  • Bird banding, 1930-1979
  • Bulletin of field ornithology, 1980-1999
  • Bulletin of the Northeastern Birdbanding Association, 1925-1929
  • Bulletin – Wader Study Group, 1970-2004
  • California birds, 1970-1972
  • Child Development Perspectives, 2007-
  • The condor, 1899-2000
  • Conference Papers – International Studies Association, 1998-
  • Digital Defoe, 2009-
  • Experimental mathematics,  1992-
  • Functiones et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici, 2002-
  • History Compass, 2003-
  • International wader studies, 1970-2002
  • IUBMB Life, 1996-
  • Japan journal of industrial and applied mathematics,  2006-
  • The Journal of Ecocriticism, 2009-
  • The journal of raptor research, 1967-2005
  • Literature compass, 2004-
  • North American bird bander, 1976-2000
  • Ornitología neotropical, 1990-2002
  • Ornithological monographs, 1965-2001
  • Pacific coast avifauna, 1900-1974
  • Percussive Notes, 1963-
  • Philosophy compass, 2006-
  • Publicationes matematiques,  2007-
  • Raptor research, 1972-1986
  • Raptor research news, 1967-1971
  • Renewable energy focus, 2007 –
  • Revista matematica Iberoamericana, 2002-
  • Studies in avian biology, 1978-1999
  • Tokyo journal of mathematics, 2006-
  • Western birds, 1973-2006
  • Wilson bulletin, 1889-1999

In addition, open access titles have been made available from the following collections:

New Electronic Journals Now Available

The following electronic journals have been added to the collection. You may retrieve these journals through the UMass Amherst library catalog or the E-Journal List.

  • Amerasia Journal, 1971-
  • American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 2000-
  • Archives of dermatology, 1920-1997 (complete run)
  • Archives of general psychiatry, 1959-1997 (complete run)
  • Archives of internal medicine, 1908-1997 (complete run)
  • Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine (and previous titles), 1911-1997
  • British journal of industrial relations, 1997-
  • Canadian journal of chemical engineering, 2002-
  • Conference Papers – Midwestern Political Science Association, 2004-
  • Educational Studies, 1970-
  • Journal of Cultural Geography, 2008-
  • Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 1978-
  • Journal of Human Rights Practice, 2009-
  • Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 2006-
  • Landscape architecture magazine, June 2009-

New Electronic Journals Now Available

The following electronic journals have been added to the collection. You may retrieve these journals through the UMass Amherst library catalog or the E-Journal List.

  • Anthurium: A Caribbean studies journal, 2003-
  • Asian journal of marketing, 2007-
  • Australian journal of agricultural economics, 1957-1996
  • Banking Strategies, 1996-
  • Current research in tuberculosis, 2008-
  • Earth, 2008-
  • Economia agraria y recursos naturales, 2001-
  • eJADE: electronic journal of agricultural & development economics, 2004
  • GeoTimes, 2000-2008
  • Health & history, 1998-
  • IA, 2003-2006
  • International journal of agricultural research, 2006-
  • International journal of biological chemistry, 2007-
  • International journal of dairy science, 2006-
  • International journal of plant breeding & genetics, 2007-
  • International journal of soil science, 2006-
  • International journal of virology, 2005-
  • Journal of agribusiness, 1999-2003
  • Journal of agricultural and applied economics, 1993-
  • Journal of Beckett studies, 2008-
  • Journal of fisheries and aquatic science, 2006-
  • Journal of food distribution research, 1969-2006
  • Journal of pharmacology & toxicology, 2006-
  • Journal of plant sciences, 2006-
  • Journal of software engineering, 2007-
  • Marine resource economics, 1995-
  • Methods in molecular biology, 1996-
  • Non ye jing wen ti, 2003-2004
  • Northeastern journal of agricultural and resource economics, 1984-1992
  • Research journal of allergy, 2009-
  • Research journal of botany, 2006-
  • Research journal of business management, 2007-
  • Research journal of cardiology, 2008-
  • Research journal of environmental sciences, 2007-
  • Research journal of environmental toxicology, 2007-
  • Research journal of parasitology, 2006 (but not showing in e-journals list)
  • Research journal of forestry, 2007-
  • Research journal of information technology, 2008-
  • Research journal of medicinal plant, 2007-
  • Research journal of microbiology, 2006-
  • Research journal of parasitology, 2006-
  • Research journal of physics, 2007-
  • Research journal of phytochemistry, 2007-
  • Research journal of radiology, 2007-
  • Research journal of seed science, 2008-
  • Research journal of soil biology, 2008-
  • Research journal of toxins, 2008-
  • Research journal of veterinary sciences, 2008-
  • Review of marketing and agricultural economics, 1946-1996
  • Southern journal of agricultural economics, 1969-1992
  • Space research journal, 2008-
  • Trends in applied sciences research, 2006-
  • Trends in medical research, 2006-
  • Western economics forum, 2002-
  • Western journal of agricultural economics, 1977-1991

New Electronic Journals Added

The following electronic journals have been added to the collection. You may retrieve these journals through the UMass Amherst library catalog or the E-Journal List.

  • Adoption Quarterly, 1997-
  • American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2009-
  • American Indian Culture & Research Journal, 1974-
  • Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1926-
  • Clinics in laboratory medicine, 2002-
  • Financial Management, 2005-
  • Food Technology July 1999-
  • Hematology/oncology clinics of North America,1996-
  • JOPERD – Journal of physical education, recreation and dance, 2006 (v.77 no.5)-
  • Journal of Animal Science, 1942-
  • North American Archaeologist, 1999-
  • Nursing clinics of North America, 2002-
  • Pediatric clinics of North America, 1996-
  • Poultry Science, 1997-
  • Protein Science, 1992-

New Electronic Journals Added

The following electronic journals have been added to the collection. You may retrieve these journals through the UMass Amherst library catalog or the E-Journal List.

  • Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2004-
  • American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2009-
  • American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2009-
  • American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2009-
  • Analysis, 1996-
  • Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 1996-
  • Economic Geography, 1997-
  • Environmental Justice, 2008-
  • European Journal of Heart Failure, 2009-
  • Journal of Experimental Nanoscience, 2006-
  • Journal of Spatial Science, 2004-
  • Linguistic Typology, 2001-
  • Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 1999-
  • Perspectives on History, 2008-
  • St. Petersberg Mathematical Journal, 2004-
  • Structural Engineering International, 1991-
  • Systematic Biology, 1996-
  • World Politics, 2009-