Counseling and Therapy in Video – new addition

Counseling and Therapy in Video provides recordings of counseling sessions and demonstrations; consultations; and lectures, presentations and interviews for the study of social work, psychotherapy, psychology and psychiatric counseling. Browse or search for videos by themes, video types, subjects, therapy types, therapists and more.

If you have questions or would like assistance using this new resource, contact Mike Davis, Psychology Library Liaison, at 413-545-6822.

Music reference sources – new additions

The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Online offers essays, images and audio clips on music and ethnomusicology from across the world. Browse or search by genre, cultural group, person, place, instrument, etc.

The Classical Scores Library contains classical scores and manuscripts from the Renaissance to the 21st century. Search or browse by genre, material type, composer, time period, instrument, etc.

Contact Pam Juengling, Music Reference Librarian, at 413-545-1858.

Official Methods of Analysis: a new chemistry database

From AOAC International, Official Methods of Analysis provides standards for methods of chemical analysis. You can search by keyword, category (analyte, matrices, approval body, equipment/technique or method number), full-text or combine approaches with an advanced search.

If you have questions or would like assistance using this resource, contact Paulina Borrego, Chemistry Liaison Librarian, at 413-545-7891.

Two new reference directories: Scholarships, Fellowships and Loans and Statistical Sources

The Libraries have added two sources from the Gale Directory Library. Scholarships, Fellowships and Loans provides information on financial aid for education from non-governmental sources. Statistics Sources lists where you can find statistical information on 20,000 topics. You can perform simple keyword or advanced searches by name or geographic area.

If you would like assistance using either of these resources, contact a reference librarian at 413-545-0150.

Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications, 1895-1976

The Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications, 1895-1976 provides enhanced access to historical government information. Issued each month by the Superintendent of Documents for the Government Printing Office, the Catalog lists all government publications and provides both full-text records and page images of the original catalog.

If you have questions or would like assistance using this resource, contact Barbara Morgan, Law Reference Librarian, at 413-545-6850.

Government Directories Available through GovSearch

Contact information for people in municipal, county, state and federal government positions is now available through the online GovSearch directory. You can search by personal name, position, offices, services; browse for news on elections, federal nominations or the economic stimulus program; or find your elected representatives from federal to municipal levels.

If you have questions or would like assistance using this resource, contact Barbara Morgan, Law Reference Librarian, at 413-545-6850.

Company and Industry Research with Historical Annual Reports, 1844-

The Libraries have added Historical Annual Reports, 1844 – to our online collections. You can find annual reports for 800 U.S. companies, some going back as far as 1844. Data provided includes financials, Fortune 500 ranking, industry classification, key people, geographic location, etc. and these are indexed for search. You can also browse by company name, industry or date.

If you have questions or would like assistance using this resource, contact Mike Davis, Business Reference Librarian, at 413-545-6822.