COS Funding Opportunities

The Office of Research Administration subscribes to COS, including the Funding Opportunities database. You can search by keyword or sponsor and limit by geographic location, sponsor type, deadline, amount and numerous other criteria. The database includes financial resources offered by non-profit, commercial, academic and public agencies around the world.

Funding Opportunities is available for all in the UMass Amherst community. To use the database off-campus, you must first create an account while you are on campus. For assistance using this resource, contact Helen Bishop at 413-545-2962.

GreenFILE: New Resource for Environmental Studies

GreenFILE covers multidisciplinary research on the interaction between humans and the natural environment, including the topics of green building, pollution, recycling, renewable energy and sustainable agriculture. It offers abstracts and indexing for scholarly, government and general interest publications, as well as full-text for open access titles.

For assistance using this database, contact a reference librarian at 413-545-0150.

NIST TRC Web Thermo Tables Available Online

We now have a subscription to the Web Thermo Tables (WTT) Professional Edition from the National Institute of Standards and Technology. WTT “represents a complete collection of critically evaluated thermodynamic property data primarily for pure organic compounds.”

For assistance using this resource, conact Paulina Borrego, 545-7891, or Cecilia Mullen, 577-1254.

PolicyFile: Reports from Think Tanks

PolicyFile contains policy papers from research institutes and agencies about U.S. foreign and domestic issues. You can browse through an alphabetical list of organizations, visit their web sites and retrieve their position papers, or browse through a subject list. You can aslo search for documents by keyword, author, organization and organization type, subject and date.

For more information or assistance using this resource, contact the political science liaison, Barbara Morgan, at 545-6850.

New Reference Source: Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Business and Psychology

This Cabell’s Directory is a searchable list of journals about business, economics, marketing, accounting and psychology. You can retrieve and sort titles by name, type of review, number of external reviewers and acceptance rate. The journal listing is a .pdf document with submission, contact and publication information; review process information; topics covered; and manuscript specifications.

First Research: New Database for Industry Surveys

First Research provides comprehensive industry profiles, including an overview, challenges, opportunities, executive insights, trends and financial information. You can search the full-text, SIC and NAICS codes, or browse through a list of sectors from construction and real estate, to retail, food and agriculture, healthcare, manufacturing, wholesale and many more. The Industry Prospector tool allows you to identify particular industries by various metrics, and the States and Provinces tool provides overviews of industries for all of the U.S. and Canada.

If you have questions about this resource or would like assistance using it, contact Mike Davis, 413-545-6822.

New Business Directory: Corporate Affiliations

Corporate Affiliations is a LexisNexis database with profiles of over 200,000 global companies with parent revenues over $10 million. You can search by company name, ticker symbol, location, number of employees, industry code, sales revenue and more. Each company record provides:

  • company’s place in the corporate hierarchy with affiliates,
  • business description
  • contact information,
  • principal officers,
  • revenue,
  • company type, etc.

For example, Patagonia is a private company with 400 employees owned by Lost Arrow Corporation in Ventura, CA.

Corporate Affiliations also allows you to track merger, executive move and company news.