Library PressDisplay on Trial

Library PressDisplay is a collection of 2,000 newspapers from 100 countries in 56 languages.  You can browse or search for content in specific newspapers or see content across newspapers. You can also see the page-by-page layout of the original newspaper. Coverage for each newspaper goes back 60 days.

Trial ends November 30th, 2014. The annual subscription cost is $8,775 for 3 users at a time.

Tell us what you think! (UMass NetID login required for UMass Apps.)

State House News Service Available Now

State House News Service is a privately-owned wire service for Massachusetts state government news. You can track bills, read press releases, see the State House daily schedule and House and Senate session statuses, view budgets, and much more.

The Libraries have subscribed to access for 25 users per day. If you’d like assistance using this resource, Ask Us.

Trial for Black Liberation Army and the Program of Armed Struggle

The Black Liberation Army and the Program of Armed Struggle database includes over 8,000 scanned documents from the FBI Library covering the period between 1970-1983 when the Black Liberation Army gained strength as the Black Panthers declined. You can browse all the documents or search by keyword, full-text, place name, document title or author, and limit by date. The titles are FBI file numbers.

You can explore this collection on trial through September 5th, 2014. Please give us your feedback. (UMass NetID login required for UMass Apps.)

Essential Science Indicators a New Resource from Thomson

Essential Science Indicators (ESI) is a new database of performance indicators that ranks the most highly cited authors, institutions, countries and journals from the Web of Science Core Collection in the past 10 years across 22 broad disciplines. ESI also includes “Hot Papers”, the top .1% of papers cited within a discipline in the past two years. You can use this database to identify top researchers or institutions in specific disciplines, trends and hot topics.

If you have questions about using ESI, Ask Us!

Congress Collection, Voting & Elections Added

The Congress Collection and Voting and Elections have been added to CQ Press Political Reference Suite. The Congress Collection provides analysis of members of Congress voting records, interest groups and public policy making. You can find policy analysis to topic, vote tallies and descriptions, votes by Congressional Session going back to the 79th Congress (1945), and you can compare voting records of different members.

The Voting and Elections Collection provides data and analysis of elections in America back to 1789. You can browse voting records in primary and general elections by state and year, for example; find candidates and their election results; and compare election results from Gubernatorial, Congressional and Presidential elections.

If you’d like assistance using this rich data source, Ask Us!

New Manuscripts in Women’s Letters and Diaries

Manuscripts in Women’s Letters and Diaries from the American Antiquarian Society includes primary source materials written by women from 1750-1950. Published online by Alexander Street Press, the database indexes and provides PDF scans of the full-text documents. You can browse or search by people, place, document type, date and more. Each collection has a full description.

If you’d like assistance using this resource, Ask Us!