Here is a Wide Range of University Resources Available to Help Students
Contact the bursar for questions about tuition, bills, loans, and other related matters.
Center for Counseling and Psychological Health (CCPH)
The Center for Counseling and Psychological Health (CCPH) offers a community of care to UMass Amherst students to help them cope with stress or anxiety, find strategies to overcome challenges, promote mental wellbeing, and succeed in college life and beyond.
CCPH services include: workshops and consultations; crisis intervention; brief (generally 3-5 sessions) individual, couples, and group therapy; behavioral medicine; medication management; psychological assessment; suicide prevention training; campus consultation and education; and community referrals.
Center for Health Promotion (CHP)
The Center for Health Promotion advances healthy living as a strategy that supports academic and personal success.
Students who interact with the center’s programs, services and staff empower themselves to make health-enhancing choices for individual and community well-being; engage fully in their academic and personal lives; and enhance their leadership skills.
Center for Multicultural Advancement and Student Success (CMASS)
The Center for Multicultural Advancement and Student Success (CMASS) opened doors in 2011 to support the student success and sense of belonging of first generation, students of color, multiracial students, and low income students. Check out Your CMASS and the Cultural Centers to learn how you can benefit from our programs and services, or the Calendar to find out what is happening in our locations. Our programs and services are open to anyone. If you are not receiving our weekly bulletin yet we encourage you to join CMASS.
Center for Women and Community
We are a multicultural campus-based center established in 1972. We offer many services to meet the needs of the diverse cultural and linguistic populations of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Five Colleges and surrounding Hampshire County community.
Our mission is to provide innovative and informed education, leadership opportunities, advocacy and support services that address the cause and impact of sexism and recognize the multiple oppressions experienced by women. We serve people of all gender identities within the diverse communities of Hampshire County, the Five Colleges and the University of Massachusetts.
Civic Engagement and Service Learning
The university’s mission is to provide an affordable and accessible education of high quality and to conduct programs of research and public service that advance knowledge and improve the lives of the people of the commonwealth, the nation, and the world.
The mission of UMass Civic Engagement and Service-Learning (CESL) is to promote learning for lifelong, democratic engagement, partnering with communities on and off campus to work collectively for a more just society.
We support the UMass mission in two ways:
By engaging students in a curriculum that includes significant public work—UMass CESL deepens our students’ education and prepares them for lives of active engagement.
By deploying the creative energy of students and faculty to address community needs and aspirations in our region, our state, and beyond. We provide resources that improve people’s lives.
Commonwealth Honors College offers highly motivated UMass Amherst students an opportunity to pursue broad inquiry and to engage in the creation of new knowledge by working closely with faculty. With a commitment to building a diverse and inclusive community, Commonwealth Honors College encourages students to become leaders in thought and action.
As your academic deans, we are available to assist you with general academic policies and procedures (late adds, withdrawals, repeat options, academic discipline, referrals to other offices on campus, etc.).
The CNS Advising Center sends out a newsletter every other Wednesday during the semester to all CNS students. Please be sure to look it over, as it contains important information about the academic calendar, events, and announcements.
Come to us to learn about field experience opportunities and strategies to increase your visible value to employers well before you graduate. Take your next step today to a fulfilling career in the sciences tomorrow!
The Dean of Students Office has a strong commitment to fostering student development, particularly in the acquisition of personal values, which create a respect for individual difference, cultural diversity and equal opportunity. The staff strives to meet the varied needs of all students through advocacy program support, advising, and general counseling.
We pride ourselves on being an office where upon contact students and families will have an answer to their question, a solution to their problem, or an effective referral to the office or professional who can answer their question.
Visit the UMass Dining website with any inquiries about meal plans and access to food.
Disability Services at UMass Amherst is committed to full access for all persons at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and embraces the philosophy of social justice. Our office promotes the empowerment of people with disabilities and their full integration into campus life and the community. Direct services are provided for all types of disability. Disability Services also provides information and referral on issues of accessibility, coordinates guest accommodations and provides training and staff development to the University community.
The Equal Opportunity Office is committed to ensuring UMass Amherst is free from harassment and discrimination. Equal Opportunity administers the University’s Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Interpersonal Violence and the Affirmative Action and Non-Discrimination Policy. Equal Opportunity conducts investigations in accordance with the Grievance Procedures and the Procedures for Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment, Sexual Assault, Sexual Exploitation, Intimate Partner Violence, and Stalking, to address allegations of harassment or discrimination based on protected civil rights, as well as, allegations of retaliation for filing a complaint. A complete listing of protected civil rights can be found in the Affirmative Action and Non-Discrimination Policy.
The Equal Opportunity Office monitors compliance, with state and federal civil rights legislation. This includes ensuring compliance with Title IX, which prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex in any federally funded educational program or activity. The Vice Chancellor & Chief Human Resources Officer, William D. Brady, is the Interim Title IX Coordinator and as such, chairs the Title IX Coordination Team which evaluates, coordinates action, and addresses issues of sexual harassment and sexual violence on campus, and also the Title IX Education Advisory Group which focuses on education and training.
Financial Aid Services strives to utilize all available resources to fill the gap that exists between family resources and the cost of a quality education. We take a comprehensive approach in identifying financial aid programs to best meet the financial needs of our students through federal, state and University funding. We support the University’s mission of affordable and accessible educational opportunities through outreach efforts, good stewardship of funds, and quality service to students and their families.
Established in 1968, the International Programs Office (IPO) is a comprehensive office that works with incoming international students and scholars, and manages the study abroad and exchange programs and processes for all students, faculty and staff.
IPO staff are dedicated professionals who will provide advice, information and referrals on for all international students and scholars, as well as advising and coordination for any study abroad experience. The staff works closely with faculty and administrators throughout the campus.
Living at UMass Amherst (Residential Life)
Within our safe and well-maintained halls, UMass Amherst Residential Life is a national leader in creating a dynamic residential experience that is engaging, socially just, and inclusive. Students and families are encouraged to use our site to gather information about residence hall assignment processes and to learn more about our residential programs, facilities and staff.
Learning Resource Center (LRC)
The Learning Resource Center (LRC) serves as the central academic support unit for University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass Amherst) undergraduate students. Our academic support programs are for all undergraduate students, not just those who are struggling academically. Peer Tutors, Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leaders, and ExSEL Leaders are model students trained to assist their peers in achieving academic success. The entire staff of the LRC welcomes you to the 10th floor of the W.E.B. Du Bois Library, and encourages you to take advantage of our services.
This site is the go-to resource for students living off campus. Here you can find housing opportunities, safety information, and tons of other helpful tools for navigating off campus student life.
Office of Equity and Inclusion
UMass Amherst offers a number of diversity, equity, and inclusion resources for students, faculty, and staff. Whether you are seeking academic resources; looking for opportunities for social interaction in organizations; curious about campus policies and regulations; or need to find support during crisis or incidents of bias; we are here help you. Diversity Matters is designed to be your one-stop shop for information. Use the resource navigation sidebar to explore resources related to academics, bias reporting and crisis support, campus life, policies, mentoring, and learn about available trainings and workshops.
Office of Religious and Spiritual Life
The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life offers a range of educational programs, individual and institutional advocacy, interfaith dialogue, and other bridge-building activities designed to foster an informed, caring and supportive campus community for students of all backgrounds and beliefs, and to promote a greater sense of meaning and purpose in students’ lives.
We strive to foster mutual understanding and respect among students of all religious backgrounds (whether religiously observant or not); to promote dialogue; and to provide appropriate support for and heighten awareness of the diverse religious and spiritual traditions which are present on our campus.
Office of the University Registrar
The Office of the University Registrar is the place to visit with any University-level administrative concerns. From registering for classes, to learning about double majors, and more, the University Registrar has a wealth of resources and knowledge to help students.
The Ombuds Office is a unique place where all current UMass Amherst students, faculty, and staff can talk confidentially and “off the record” about any campus concern, issue, or conflict. The Ombuds staff works with visitors in a variety of ways to help them understand their options and resolve their concerns. The Office works to foster a culture in which differences can be resolved through respectful communication and fair process.
Our office operates pursuant to its Charter Agreement with the University and the International Ombudsman Association Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. Ombuds services are confidential*, neutral, informal, and independent.
*The exception to our confidentiality is if the failure to disclose creates an imminent risk of serious harm.
The mission of the Stonewall Center is to provide support, resources, programming, and advocacy for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual (LGBTQIA) and allied students, staff, and faculty at UMass Amherst and for the larger Pioneer Valley. We also seek to educate the campus and local community about heterosexism, genderism, other forms of oppression, and the intersections of identities and oppressions in order to strengthen and sustain an inclusive climate for LGBTQIA individuals and their allies. We work closely with other campus departments and offices and local organizations to foster student learning, development, and leadership; promote academic excellence; build LGBTQIA communities; and enhance the lives of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
Student Affairs and Campus Life
We are a campus community that actively embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion grounded in core values of compassion, care, and concern for others. We center around eight key functions that together create a supportive living and learning environment of responsive care and support for retention, graduation, and success beyond college. Our programs and services:
- Transition and connect students to campus
- Foster positive campus climate
- Cultivate inclusion and diversity
- Develop opportunities for civic engagement and co-curricular learning
- Create immersive living-learning environments
- Provide listening, care, and focused support for students in crisis
- Support wellness, health, and safety
- Prepare students for a successful transition to their post-UMass future
We invite students to explore and engage with the rich array of experiences and opportunities available through Student Life. We look forward to meeting you!
The Student Legal Services Office is committed to protecting the rights and interests of students by providing high-quality counseling, advice, research, education, representation, and referral services for all fee-paying students at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, individually and collectively, concerning most legal matters.
SLSO assists students in responding to legal problems that may be adversely affecting their well-being or otherwise interfering with their academic studies or goals. We particularly strive to assist students in resolving problems for which it would be otherwise difficult or impossible to obtain legal services at affordable prices. In this way, we help the University to accomplish its goal of retention of students and enhancing the quality of students’ university experience.
The UCard Office is the place to get in touch with if you have any concerns directly regarding your UCard, such as reporting a lost or stolen UCard, replacing a UCard, accessing or setting up a UCard debit account, and more.
UMass Amherst Police Department
To combat crime and ensure public tranquility, the University of Massachusetts Amherst Police Department is a visible part of campus life. UMPD is organized, trained, and equipped to provide progressive law enforcement and emergency services to our community.
The University of Massachusetts Amherst Police Department operates 24 hours per day, seven days a week, providing all patrol, investigative, specialized, and emergency response, as well as crime prevention and educational services at the University of Massachusetts Amherst campus. University of Massachusetts Amherst police officers attend the municipal police training academies located throughout the Commonwealth. UMPD is amongst the best qualified, motivated, supervised, and led police departments in the region and in the nation. We strive to maintain the highest ethical and performance standards in our policies, procedures, and actions.
University Health Services’ mission is to provide comprehensive medical care to a diverse population of UMass Amherst constituents and promote campus health in the broadest sense. We commit to the holistic integration of a multitude of campus services promoting health in educational and residential environments. We emphasize students first, and strive for excellence, sustainability and efficiency.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Don’t forget about your Environmental Science Advisors! If you are looking for a resource or service not listed here, please don’t hesitate to contact one of us. Find your list of advisors here. We are always happy to work with you to get you what you need! If you would like to let us know about a University resource we haven’t included above, you can always send us a quick note through our feedback form.