The University of Massachusetts Amherst
Announcements, Updates, and Reminders Upcoming Events

Spring Bulb Show 3/9

Join the environmental science peer advisors for a walk through of the Smith College Bulb Show. Transportation is provided but registration is required at this link:

We will meet at 12:00 pm on Sunday, March 9th in the Holdsworth Parking Lot and plan to leave by 12:15.

Announcements, Updates, and Reminders Upcoming Events

Resume Workshop

Be a good cookie and come to the Resume Workshop this Thursday 2/20. The event will be held in Holdsworth 308 from 5:30-7. There will be a short presentation followed by one-on-one resume help. Cookies and refreshments provided.

Announcements, Updates, and Reminders Upcoming Events

Research Networking Night

Join us for a night of panelists sharing their knowledge and experience with undergraduate research programs!! We will have speakers that may have done any of the following programs:

  • Conservation Collaborative
  • NOAA Hollings
  • REU’s
  • Lee-SIP
  • CAFE Scholars
  • Independent Research Project with Faculty

There will be refreshments provided so please join us for a laid back night of panelists and pizza!