Congratulations to the Environmental Science 2020 Graduating Class!

Graduates, to see your friends’ pages, click on their name in the list at the bottom of this page!
… and scroll down for congratulations and greetings from your faculty.
The Environmental Science Advising Team and Faculty congratulate all of our students graduating in the Class of 2020!

Take a Look Through Our Virtual Yearbook for the Graduating Class of 2020!
Andrade, R
Babine, O
Barry, T
Bigwood, Z
Burke, I
Carroll, J
Casey, J
Clark, B
Clark, C
Coughlin, T
Coville, W
Crandall, D
Curran, E
D’Oleo, M
Davenport, S
Davin, H
Dello Russo, J
Dole, J
Doolin, J
Dua, N
Dufraine, E
Duprey, K
Endyke, S
Entekhabi, A
Erb, H
Fischer, J
Gamble, A
Garrity, R
Graves, R
Haber, L
Hamilton, S
Heryani, P
Hui, A
Khalsa, A
Lau, W
Lebo, J
Lesbirel, R
Mackowiak, T
Mannarino, H
McStay, A
Milan, R
Mischenko, I
Morreale, N
Nason, E
Norwood, P
Nurnberger, R
Patrick, M
Pawlak, K
Peterson, N
Polidor, J
Pontes, N
Ren, T
Robertson, E
Rode, S
Ruzzoli, K
Scanlan, K
Shea, J
Sirotkin, M
Slocombe, M
Speros, K
Vermilya, E
Vo, J
Waldman, J
Wang, N
Woodman, M
Zink, A