The University of Massachusetts Amherst
Past Events

SES Career Fair

Don’t Miss the First Ever UMass Earth and Sustainability Career Fair!

This first ever Earth and Sustainability Career Fair is the perfect opportunity for EnviSci students to connect with a tailored group of nearly 20 employers involved in sustainability and environmental conservation work. All EnviSci students are welcome, whether you’re a senior looking for a job post-graduation, or a freshman looking for a summer internship. The fair will be held on March 9 from 11:00am to 1:00pm in the Old Chapel.

And don’t forget to prepare by attending the EnviSci career fair and resume workshop on February 26 from 5:30pm to 6:45pm in Holdsworth 308, and the CNS career fair and resume workshops on March 3 and 4 from 5:30pm to 6:30pm in Design Building 162.

Past Events

Calling All EnviSci Seniors!

Chirper Needed for Spring CNS Graduation Ceremony

If you are a graduating senior and you want to be a speaker (aka a chirper) for the EnviSci Major at the CNS Celebration Event on May 9th, click here to apply. Speeches are very short (limited to ~140 words), and a draft should be included in your application. To see a video of last year’s event and to find out what a chirper’s speech is like, click this link and scroll to the bottom of the page. Best of luck to those who apply!

Past Events

Environmental Science Resume and Career Fair Prep Workshop

The Peer Advisors Would Like to Invite You to Our Environmental Science Resume and Career Fair Prep Workshop!

With career fair season in full swing, now is the time to make sure you’re ready with a polished resume, a professional headshot for Handshake and LinkedIn, and with the knowledge to get the most out of any career fair.

Stop into Holdsworth 308 at 5:45pm (or 5:30 for free pizza and drinks) on February 26 with any questions and we will be happy to help you!

Past Events

Sustainability Professionals Alumni Panel

Want to Learn About Careers in Sustainability?

RSVP for your spot to hear from a panel of alumni from the MS in Sustainability Science Program (MS3). Just like the Environmental Science Program, MS3 focuses on interdisciplinary learning to prepare students for careers in a number of sustainability-focused fields. This event is a great resource to expose EnviSci students to some of the many paths to take post-graduation. Hope to see you there!

Past Events

Career Fair Prep and Resume Help

It’s Not Too Late to Sign Up for Career Fair Prep and Resume Help!

Get yourself ready for career fair season by registering for the CNS Career Fair Prep Workshop this Wednesday (2/12) at 5:30 in the Design Building. And no student is prepared for a career fair without a polished resume to hand out, so make sure to also attend the CNS Resume Writing Workshop this Thursday (2/13) at 5:30 in the ILC. To register, log on to your Handshake account, and look under the events page.

The CNS Career Center is an invaluable resource to have at your fingertips, so take advantage of it now. Once you graduate, resume help and career counseling can be super expensive!

Past Events

ECo Seminar Series

The Ecology and Conservation of the Jaguar (Panthera onca) in Western Paraguay

Jeffrey Thompson, Guyra Paraguay – CONACYT

Stop by Holdsworth room 105 next Friday, February 14th from 12:20 to 1:10 pm to hear from Jeffrey Thompson, PhD. Thompson is a scientist in the National Science and Technology Council of Paraguay (CONACYT), where he researches the interplay between agricultural practices and wildlife in South America.

Thompson’s presentation is the second of the ECo Seminar Series for the spring 2020 semester. Keep an eye out for more seminars, which are held on Fridays at 12:20 to 1:10 pm in Holdsworth room 105.


Welcome Back!

Welcome Back, Everyone!

The beginning of the semester can be hectic, so we’re here to remind you that the add/drop period ends after next Monday, February 4th. Through Monday, students are free to enroll in or drop courses using Spire without any record on their transcript. But students opting to add or drop any courses are advised to keep these points in mind…

  1. The minimum credit load to maintain status as a full time student is 12 credits. Be careful your credit load does not drop below 12 credits if you decide to drop a course. The best way to avoid this? Enroll in another course before dropping the first one.
  2. Students enrolling in a course during add/drop are responsible for any course material or work assigned in the first week. If you enroll in a new course and aren’t sure what you’re responsible for, contact the professor.
  3. After Monday, students wishing to drop courses will still be able to do so through March 24th. However, between February 4th and March 24th dropped classes will appear with a “W” meaning “withdrawn” on students’ transcripts.

And as always, if you have questions about add/drop, don’t hesitate to contact an advisor.


Research Opportunities

Spring Semester is Back, and that Means the Research Opportunities are Here for the Taking!

UMass in an R1 University, so for students this means there are tons of chances to get research experience with professors. Within the Environmental Science Program, there are plenty of ways for students to get involved, and the most direct way is to apply to opportunities from the list included below. But make sure to apply soon; the priority deadline for applications is Friday, January 24th!

Undergrad Research Opportunities Spring 2020

This list is compiled at the beginning of every semester, and includes descriptions of projects that professors are looking for undergrads to work on. If you’re in the major, you should receive an email with this information at the beginning of every semester. Good luck to all who apply!

Past Events

Peer Networking Night

Sharing Experiences at the Peer Networking Night

Environmental Science students got to hear from seven of their upperclassmen peers about the research, internship, and volunteer experiences they’ve participated in during their time at UMass. With a round-robin style set-up, every student in attendance got a chance to discuss these experiences in small groups. Not only was this event a helpful way to share information, but it was also great practice for participating in networking events!

Keep an eye on the blog and your email for information about future networking events!

Past Events

Jeopardy Night

Students Win Big at Jeopardy Night!

Just a week before final exams began, Environmental Science students gathered to participate in Jeopardy Night! Questions fell into categories including environmental history, to UMass trivia, and more. All teams performed fabulously, and earned themselves prizes like bamboo toothbrushes and reusable shopping bags.