The University of Massachusetts Amherst

It’s That Time of the Semester Again…

Enrollment for Spring 2020 Courses has Begun!

What to Do:

  • If Environmental Science is your primary major, you will have an advising hold on your Spire account. This hold prevents you from enrolling in courses and can only be removed by your primary faculty advisor. To find out who your advisor is, or to find their contact information, click here for instructions. Since enrollment has already begun, it is important to make an appointment with your advisor now so you can ensure your hold will be removed before your enrollment appointment.
  • To figure out what classes you should take next semester, check out the handouts on the Major Resources page. If you’re completing a minor in environmental science, visit the Minor Resources page. The handouts on these pages are helpful for understanding required courses, and provide an example of a typical course sequence, but there is a degree of flexibility in terms of when you can take these courses. Talking to your faculty advisor, or with a peer advisor is a plan started for what courses you should be enrolling in.
    • First and second year students… don’t fret if you don’t know what courses you want to take in your third and fourth years! The Career and Curriculum Planning Seminar (EnvirSci 294A) in the spring semester of your second year will guide you towards planning out the courses you will take in your third and fourth years.
  • Add all of your desired classes to your Shopping Cart on Spire. Once you find an open course on Spire, hit the “select class” button, and follow the prompts to add the course to your Shopping Cart. Having all your classes in your Shopping Cart before your enrollment appointment allows you to quickly enroll in all your classes immediately once your appointment begins.
  • Use the new Schedule Builder feature on Spire. This can be found on the Shopping Cart page of Spire, and helps show you all the potential schedules you can build with the classes you have selected.
Your Experiences

Soil Science Discussion Outing

This past Monday, Dr. Henson’s Environmental Soils Discussion Section (EnvirSci 564H) took a trip out to the base of Mt. Sugarloaf to look at a few soil profiles in the floodplain of the adjacent Connecticut River. This discussion section supplements the lectures with lab activities, projects, and trips like this one to get students hands-on experience with what they learn in lecture. 

Past Events

Majors Fair

Come Learn About the Environmental Science Program at the Majors Fair

Considering joining the major or starting a minor? Stop by the Environmental Science Table to talk to Faculty and Peer Advisors at the Majors Fair on Wednesday, October 23 from 5:30 to 7:30 at the Mullins Center Concourse.

Past Events

Environmental Science Peer to Peer Networking Event

The Peer Advisors and Environmental Science Faculty would like to cordially invite you to our Environmental Science Peer to Peer Networking Event!

Come join us and learn about Internships and Research that Environmental Science Students have done on and off campus in a small group setting!
The event will be held on Wednesday October 16th from 5:15-7PM in Holdsworth Room 308 and Pizza will be provided!
Please click here and sign up to reserve your seat today!
We look forward to seeing you!
Student Spotlight Your Experiences

Coming Soon

Check back again soon! If you want to share your Environmental Science experiences or be featured in the Student Spotlight, click here!