Welcome New Students!
Our Environmental Science Advising Team WELCOMES you to UMass Amherst and we want to welcome you especially to the EnviSci program! We’re excited to have you join our community, and although it may feel a little odd to you that your Summer NSO experience will be online rather than on-campus, please know that our goal is to help you transition to UMass as smoothly as possible and to get you set up for success!
Here’s a short intro welcome video to give you a clear idea of what to expect from (and what to bring to!) your NSO Academic Advising meeting with faculty members Deb Henson and Craig Nicolson:

Click on the Thumbnail Below to Watch a Welcome Video from Your Environmental Science Peer Advisors

Don’t Forget to Check Your Email!
All incoming students will receive an email with instructions on scheduling an advising appointment. Each student is required to schedule one of these appointments, so if your NSO date is coming up and you don’t see an email yet, check your spam folder, or reach out to us.
Photos of What to Look Forward to at UMass!
Scenery, Student Organizations, and More!

Here is a Tutorial on How to Use SPIRE to find and select a couple of your first semester classes!

Weekly Schedule Planning Grid to Help You Plan Your Fall 2020 Semester
The weekly schedule planning grid is a valuable tool for helping to organize your academic plans for the upcoming semester. It is recommended that you write on this document in pencil, or mark it up on your computer to help account for changes you might make to your schedule.