The University of Massachusetts Amherst
Announcements, Updates, and Reminders Upcoming Events

Spring Bulb Show 3/9

Join the environmental science peer advisors for a walk through of the Smith College Bulb Show. Transportation is provided but registration is required at this link:

We will meet at 12:00 pm on Sunday, March 9th in the Holdsworth Parking Lot and plan to leave by 12:15.

Announcements, Updates, and Reminders Past Events

Fall Foliage Hike 2024

Welcome the fall weather with a beautiful hike to the summit of Mount Sugarloaf! We will be leaving bright and early at 9 am on Sunday, October 13th. We plan to be back no later than 1 pm.

We can provide transportation for up to 20 students, so please be sure to sign up for the hike using the QR code or at this link:

We hope to see you there!

Announcements, Updates, and Reminders Past Events

Paint Night 5/8

Join us for our semesterly paint night! This is a great way to de-stress and hang out with students experiencing the same craziness that is finals week. This event will take place on Wednesday, May 8th from 5:30-7 pm. Find us in Holdsworth 308. We can’t wait to see you there!

Announcements, Updates, and Reminders Past Events

NRC/EnviSci Trivia Night

Come on over to Holdsworth 105 on April 25th from 6-7pm for a night of trivia, food, fun and prizes! The lucky top 3 teams will be walking away with a prize from our pool as well as the pride of being the most knowledgeable on Environmental Trivia! Sign up following the QR below to register your team/yourself (those who do not have a team will be placed in one).

Announcements, Updates, and Reminders Past Events

Alumni Spotlight/Panel

Join the Environmental Peer Advisors in person or through ZOOM or in person at Holdsworth 105 from 6-7 pm on April 23rd and hear from a panel and be able to ask questions of 5 recent UMass Environmental Science Graduates as they discuss their post-graduate journeys. Refreshments will be served for those who attend in person.

Announcements, Updates, and Reminders Past Events

Spring Bulb Show 2024

Spring is approaching, and what better way to celebrate that than by smelling the flowers at the Spring Bulb Show! This event will take place on Sunday March 10th at 12:30-3:30pm. 

The Smith Bulb Show is a tradition started over 100 years ago. Students and horticulturalists begin to cultivate in October to display an early glimpse of spring with over 8,000 bulbs of irises, lillys, tulips and more!

Please sign up at this link

Spaces are limited- sign up early!

Announcements, Updates, and Reminders Past Events

Resume Workshop

Join us on Wednesday February 21st from 5:30-7 pm for help in improving your resume! We want to help you feel confident and prepared in applying to internships, jobs and grad school! This workshop will take place in Holdsworth 308 Food and refreshments will be served for those who attend.

Announcements, Updates, and Reminders Past Events

2023 Earth & Sustainability Club Fair

Join us on this Thursday September 28nd at 4:30-6:00PM for the Earth and Sustainability Club Fair. Take a look at our flyer below for more information!

We hope to see you there! Let us know if you have any questions about this event.

Past Events

Earth and Sustainability Club Fair!

Join us on Wednesday September 22nd at 6:00PM for the Earth and Sustainability Club Fair. Take a look at our flyer below for more information!

We hope to see you there! Let us know if you have any questions about this event.