Some lab updates:
- Kuan-Jung Huang completed his PhD in summer 2024, and is now a Postdoctoral Fellow working with Yi Ting Huang at the University of Maryland. Congrats Kuan-Jung!
- Alan Chen completed his Honors Thesis in Spring 2024. His thesis work led to the following paper, co-authored with fellow RAs Emily Peck and Tasha Taylor: Staub, A., Chen, A., Peck, E., & Taylor, N. Estimating the rate of failure to notice function word errors in natural reading. Psychon Bull Rev (2024). Congrats to all!
- Ellie Deutsch complete her Honors Thesis in Fall 2024. Her thesis work led to a recently submitted paper, co-authored with fellow RAs John Greene and Jillian Hammond, on the interpretation of the ‘sentence superiority effect’. Congrats to all!