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Lab Dinner, December 2023

From left: Jillian Hammond, John Greene, Anthony Wickett, Ellie Deutsch, Alan Chen, Emily Peck, Tasha Taylor, Adrian Staub, Kuan-Jung Huang. Not pictured: Harper McMurray, Lee Yoder


Winter 2023 Lab News

I just realized it’s been almost four years (!) since I posted anything here. A few bits of news:

  • Our study investigating N400 effects in normal reading, and their modulation by contrast and preview validity, is finally out in LCN: Burnsky, J., Kretzschmar, F., Mayer, E., Sanders, L., & Staub, A. (in press).  The influence of predictability, visual contrast, and preview validity on eye movements and N400 amplitude:  Co-registration evidence that the N400 reflects late processes. Language, Cognition, & Neuroscience. This work was supported by my NSF Grant from 2017-21 (BCS 1732008).
  • In June 2022, Jon Burnsky successfully defended his PhD dissertation, entitled, “What did you Expect? An Investigation of Lexical Preactivation in Sentence Processing.” Jon’s committee included Brian Dillon, Shota Momma, Chuck Clifton, and Joonkoo Park, and was chaired by me (Adrian Staub). Congrats Jon, on this great work! We will miss you. Jon is now working as a Language Engineer for Amazon.
  • Kuan-Jung Huang has received the Keith Rayner Award from the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences to fund his dissertation studies on morphological processing in Chinese Reading. Congratulations Kuan-Jung!


Welcome to the new Umass Eyetracking Lab website.  The site is still a work in progress.  Please do not hesitate to contact me (Adrian Staub) with questions, comments, or suggestions.

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