lab news

Fall 2015 Lab News

After a sabbatical semester in the spring, and a summer spent working away from the lab, I plan to be taking on at least a few new undergrad RAs in Fall 2015.  If you’re interested in working in the lab, please contact me (Adrian Staub).

In other news….some new publications on their way to print include:

Cohen, A. L., & Staub, A. (in press). Within-subject consistency and between-subject variability in Bayesian reasoning strategies. Cognitive Psychology.

Abbott, M. J., & Staub, A. (in press). The effect of plausibility on eye movements in reading:  Testing E-Z Reader’s null predictions. Journal of Memory and Language.

Kretzschmar, F., Schlesewsky, M., & Staub, A. (in press). Dissociating word frequency and predictability effects in reading: Evidence from co-registration of eye movements and EEG. Journal of Experimental Psychology:  Learning, Memory, and Cognition.

This summer we had a research visit from Francesca Foppolo, of the University of Milan Bicocca, who was here to plan some experiments on processing of complement clause ambiguities in English, and processing of agreement with disjunctive subjects in both English and Italian.

Not sure yet what lab meeting schedule will look like for this Fall.  Stay tuned.

lab news

Summer 2014 Lab News

Some new publications:

Benatar, A., & Clifton Jr, C. (2014). Newness, givenness and discourse updating: Evidence from eye movements. Journal of Memory and Language, 71, 1-16.

Pazzaglia, A. M., Staub, A., & Rotello, C. M. (2014).  Encoding time and the mirror effect in recognition memory:  Evidence from eyetracking.  Journal of Memory and Language, 75, 77-92.

A recent conference presentation:

Wang, Cohen, & Li. (May 2013). Cultural Differences in Decision Making for the Self and Other.  Presented at 6th Chinese International Conference on Eye Movements, Beijing, PRC.

Some upcoming ones at AmLap, in Edinburgh in September:

Kretzschmar, F., Schlesewsky, M. & Staub, A. Word frequency in context shows differential effects on eye fixations and fixation-related potentials.

Weiss, A. F., Kretzschmar, F., Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, I., & Staub, A. The influence of lexical association on syntactic analysis: Eye movement evidence.

And some at Psychonomics, in Long Beach in November:

Staub, A., Kretzschmar, F., & Schlesewsky, M. Co-Registration of Eye Movements and EEG Demonstrates Dissociation of Predictability and Frequency Effects in Reading.

Cohen, A., Staub, A., & Hedrick, J. Information Use in Bayesian Reasoning.

Keung, L., & Staub, A.  Number Attraction Occurs Even When There Are No Plurals.

Finally, Chuck Clifton and Mara Breen participated in a week-long symposium “Rhythm and Intonation on the Page” the week of July 14, 2014. The symposium was organized by Peter Elbow, and was held on the top floor of the UMass Library. Chuck and Mara told a dozen or so poets, linguists, writing teachers, performing-art experts, and the like about how experimental research – especially eyetracking – could help them understand what readers got out of what they wrote. They were very interested in how eyetracking could shed light on what goes on in a reader’s head, especially as it involves the little voice that many readers report hearing. Some research collaborations may come out of the symposium (and Chuck and Mara learned a little bit about poetry).

lab business

Spring 2014 Lab Meetings

All meetings are Friday at 10:00, in the Eyetracking Lab.

Tentative Schedule:

February 14:  Fiona Weiss

February 28:  Brian Dillon

March 7:  Lisa Fiorenzo

March 28:  Kris Curro

April 11:  Lap Keung

lab business

Fall 2013 Lab Meetings

Lab meetings this semester will be on Wednesday at 4:00.  Here is a tentative schedule of the days we are meeting, and the presenter:

September 25:  Josh Levy

October 16:  Dick Bogartz

October 30:  Lap Keung

November 6:  Brian Dillon

November 20:  Shayne Sloggett

December 4:  Kris Curro




Welcome to the new Umass Eyetracking Lab website.  The site is still a work in progress.  Please do not hesitate to contact me (Adrian Staub) with questions, comments, or suggestions.

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