
The 2024–25 Feinberg Series is presented by the UMass Amherst Department of History in collaboration with more than 2 dozen university partners.

umass amherst

Colleges and Schools
College of Humanities and Fine Arts
College of Education
College of Social and Behavioral Studies
Commonwealth Honors College
Graduate School

Departments and Programs
American Studies Program
Anthropology Department
Art Department
Arts Extension Service
Economics Department
English Department
Film Studies Program
Journalism Department
Labor Studies Program
Public History Program
Social Thought and Political Economy Program
University Alliance for Community Transformation
W. E. B. Du Bois Department of Afro-American Studies

Centers, Institutes, Initiatives, and Unions
Arts Sustainability Activism Series
Center for Popular Economics
Center of Racial Justice and Youth Engaged Research
Civic Engagement and Service Learning
Democracy in Troubled Times Initiative
Ellsberg Initiative for Peace and Democracy
Institute for Social Science Research
Massachusetts Society of Professors
Political Economy Research Institute
Professional Staff Union

five colleges

Departments and Programs
Amherst College American Studies
Amherst College Anthropology and Sociology Department
Mount Holyoke College Critical Race and Political Economy program
Mount Holyoke College English Department
Mount Holyoke College History Department
Mount Holyoke College Sociology Department
Smith College American Studies
Smith College History Department

(413) 545-6682


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