The Tupilaq: Ancient Vengeance Monster of the Inuit
In Inuit mythology, which dates back 4,000 to 5,000 years, the tupilaq was originally conceived of as a hybrid avenging monster-spirit created by an angakkuq, an Inuit shaman.
In Inuit mythology, which dates back 4,000 to 5,000 years, the tupilaq was originally conceived of as a hybrid avenging monster-spirit created by an angakkuq, an Inuit shaman.
Several congenital birth defects are named for mythological monsters. Today, we’re focusing on two specific genetic abnormalities, one named for the Sirens and another for the Cyclops.
We here at The Ancient Monsters Blog recently had an exciting opportunity: the chance to discuss the development of an upcoming television series, Hangry Harpies. Our guests are Rebecca Lauren, Creator/Producer/Actor, and Meredith Ginsburg, Director of the pilot episode. The mythological Harpies are best known from the story of Jason and the Argonauts, in which… Read more Adapting Ancient Myth: “HANGRY HARPIES”
From fifty-headed primordial monstrous canine to three-headed pet of Hades, Cerberus is renowned for being the vicious guard dog of the Greek and Roman underworld, tasked with keeping the dead in and the living out. But his reputation seems largely unearned, given the rather large number of live humans who managed to infiltrate Hades.