Monstrous Medical Maladies: Sirenomelia and Cyclopia
Several congenital birth defects are named for mythological monsters. Today, we’re focusing on two specific genetic abnormalities, one named for the Sirens and another for the Cyclops.
Several congenital birth defects are named for mythological monsters. Today, we’re focusing on two specific genetic abnormalities, one named for the Sirens and another for the Cyclops.
For one of our first posts, we are very pleased to present this short story by scholar and fiction author Mercedes Aguirre Castro. The story, a modern re-working of a three-thousand-year-old tale, first appeared in its original Spanish as “La escena del crimen” in her edited book Tras las huellas de los mitos: voces femeninas… Read more “Crime Scene”, by Mercedes Aguirre Castro