The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Visualizing Haiti with the ESRI Viewer – Satellite Imagery, OSM data and more

by gletham

The ESRI Viewer UI
The ESRI Viewer UI


Recall the other day (Wednesday) we shared details of the ESRI Flex Viewer as a great option for mapping Haiti along with related data feeds (like the USGS earthquake data to visualize the exact quake centroids).

Well, it seems the ESRI team has been hard at it this week, updating web-mapping services as well as working on web services specifically for first responders (ie. no public access, sorry) along with the map viewer (built on ArcGIS Server) found at

This fine service enables users to quickly and efficiently visualize the area of Haiti with a number of data sources including, OpenStreetMap data, the most recent GeoEye and DigitalGlobe imagery, and USGS datasets. There are also links to the recordings from the USGS from the quake that hit on January 12.

ESRI has also developed an Earthquake Support Resource Center with useful links and pointers to data

Dept of Geosciences Geography Geoscientists

Prof. Stan Stevens spoke at the United Nations

Prof. Stan Stevens
Prof. Stan Stevens

Stan Stevens spoke at the United Nations on May 26, 2009 in an event organized as part of the VII Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. The theme of this year’s UNPFII was implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007). A group of Indigenous peoples’ representatives and members of IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) gave a presentation on Indigenous Peoples’ and Community Conserved Areas and Territories (ICCAs) as means of implementing the UNDRIP. Stevens spoke about Sherpa efforts to gain recognition and respect for their ICCAs in their customary territory in the Mt. Everest region and the challenges presented to this by the governance of the region as a national park. The previous day Stevens and Geography MS student Mingma Norbu Sherpa spoke on this topic at a day-long workshop on ICCAs for UNPFII attendees in the offices of the UN Development Programme’s Small Grants Programme in New York.