What Is Graduate Women’s Network?

“The Graduate Women’s Network represents graduate women and serves as a network for raising and creating ideas to answer the needs of women on campus.” This is basically all we have as a “definition” of the GWN. How exactly the GWN should function, how should our social/ supportive network run, is totally up to us. Together, we define it.

Let us have a discussion on the GWN blog, about the GWN. What do you think the GWN should be? What events & activities you would suggest us to do next semester? What groups we can set up to meet regularly, networking and sharing our interests?

Please post your comments here. Let’s talk about our network and decide what to do next in our network.

2 Replies to “What Is Graduate Women’s Network?”

  1. The GWN is a great organization and I am looking forward to using it as an extra support system during my graduate career. I like surrounding myself with strong women who have overcome obstacles, as I strive to do the same as a woman in the field of science.

    I would love to use the GWN as a time to share experiences and advice with other women.

    As a Sidenote:
    I had an AWESOME time at the marbling event. Thank you so much for putting it on!!

  2. Thanks for your feedback! I had a wonderful time at the marbling event too. It’s great to have some fun time with strong women from various background, while building a supportive network meanwhile.

    I’d like to know what other ideas you folks have as to things to do together. Hoping to have more fun time and more network-building events next semester!

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