GWN Yoga Group

Hey everyone! We are trying to set up a Yoga group!

Genna Robinson kindly agrees to teach a Yoga class once a week, for free. Because she is being trained as a Yoga teacher for beginners only, this group is, apparently, for Yoga beginners. If you are interested in Yoga and would like to take a class with someone who loves Yoga and is willing to help Yoga beginners, join us!

At this stage, we are still trying to find an appropriate space as well as find some basic Yoga props. Preliminary meeting time is Tuesday 5:30 – 7:00, starting early February. Please let us know if you are interested to join, and please also let us know if you are aware of a space we can use other than a meeting room in Campus Center.



By now it looks like we have to wait till next week, when we have the space finalized. See you all soon!

36 Replies to “GWN Yoga Group”

  1. I would be interested in attending a few classes. I don’t know of any other places that would be available to meet. Maybe there are group activity rooms in the new gym?

  2. I’ll be interested in attending regularly.
    Thanks for the opportunity as the UMass Yoga has been canceled!

  3. Perhaps i should have asked if this will be a womyn only course. Which would be fine, just want to know ahead as I identify as a man. LOL

  4. I’m interested as well; there is a dance studio above the lobby in Totman that might be available.

  5. Thank you all for your interest and suggestions!
    Yes, this is a GWN event, but everyone is welcome, so you are all welcome to participate!
    We are still trying to see whether we can get a studio. If other options do not work, we’ll have to meet at one of the rooms in Campus Center.

  6. I’m just checking back to see if these are starting this Tuesday, and where they might be taking place…?

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