That Takes Ovaries II: More Bold Females, More Brazen

Women and girls of all ages and backgrounds
please submit your true stories for a book-to-be entitled
That Takes Ovaries II
More Bold Females, More Brazen Acts
(That Takes Ovaries is a registered trademark ®)

Seeking submissions (one paragraph to four pages — 1000 words max) of anything YOU have *ever* done — little or big — that was gutsy, bold, brazen, outrageous, audacious or courageous. It can be playful or serious, spontaneous or calculated, smart, sexy, inspirational and/or an example of leadership. It could be you having adventurous fun, or it could be an act that defies sexism and gender stereotyping. Something that, when you think about it today, makes you nod your head with pride or even disbelief and think, “Wow! I did that!”

The book will be a collection of these short first-person narratives.
(Please note: Not all submissions will result in publication)

Include with the submission(s) a short description of yourself. Could include (or not): name, age, background (culture, ethnicity, orientation, etc.), location, profession, hobbies, most loved/hated things, especially things that relate to your story. Example: “Taylor, 19, Boston, MA, Latina, college student who loves hearing true stories about strong women and gutsy girls.”

Submission Deadline: December 10, 2013
Send stories with word count, return address, phone & email to:

This book will be the sequel to an already-published book of the same name, edited by Rivka Solomon (Random House/Three Rivers Press). That exciting collection of real-life stories is jam-packed with multicultural, fun, sassy, touching true tales of estrogen-powered deeds that range from playful to political, including women fighting for their human rights. For information on that first book (including sample stories), or to request the script for our That Takes Ovaries play, or to invite us to lead our women’s empowerment event for your campus, conference or community, please visit:

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