An Introduction from the Graduate Women’s Network Coordinator

Hello, Everyone!

My name is Adina Giannelli, and I am the Graduate Women’s Network (GWN) Coordinator for the 2011-2012 academic year. As you may know, the previous Coordinator, Hongmei Sun, has moved on to the auspicious role of Graduate Student Senate President. I look forward to working closely with Hongmei in the year ahead, to building on her successes, and most of all, to serve women graduate students at UMass as GWN Coordinator.

In the coming year, we plan to continue longstanding GWN programming, such as the weekly Yoga and Writing Groups, and to continue co-sponsorship of events such as Where’s the Love 101? and the commemoration of International Women’s Day.

We will continue to nurture the partnerships that sustain the GWN, in the belief that healthy collaboration benefits everyone involved, and work with campus organizations including the Everywoman’s Center (EWC), GEO, the UMass Office of Family Resources, the Stonewall Center, and the Women of Color Leadership Network (WOCLN).

In addition, we hope to offer additional programming and opportunities for graduate women, including the following:

  • Monthly Arts & Entertainment Series, featuring live performances, documentary films, and open mic opportunities.
  • Graduate Women Brown Bag Lecture Series, in which graduate women present their research projects to a supportive, cross-disciplinary audience.
  • Focus and Interest Groups, to serve various constituents of graduate women, including international students, LGBTQ students, women of color, and graduate student parents and families.
  • GWN Hot Chocolate Running and Walking Team, to benefit the 8th Annual Hot Chocolate Run and Walk for Safe Passage, December 4, 2011.

(And other events, as dictated by student interest, participation and demand.)

All GWN events are free and open to all women graduate students and their friends. Over the coming days and weeks, I’ll be posting updates related to upcoming groups, workshops, trainings and events.

In the meanwhile, if you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions, you can: (1) leave a comment here; (2) e-mail me at or; (3) find me live in the GSS Office/919 Campus Center; or (4) call me at 413-545-2897.

Warm wishes for a productive and enjoyable start to the 2011-2012 school year, and I look forward to meeting you in the coming weeks and months!



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