Where’s Love 101: Let’s Talk About Sex

Where’s Love 101: Let’s Talk About Sex

A Panel Discussion

Tuesday February 7th      –       7pm-9pm     –     Campus Center 174-176

Free Admission

A unique panel discussion featuring guest speakers and couples of different ages, races, genders and sexual orientations.

Guest Speakers:
Attorney Corey M. Carvalho, Assoc. Director of SLSO
Linda Scott, Clinical Psychologist
Ilana Gerjuoy, EWC Civilian Advocate Liason for Victims of Sexual and Domestic Violence

Sponsored by WOCLN, Stonewall Center, SLSO, the GSS Graduate Women’s Network, the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, and UHS.

For additional information, contact:

Hind Mari



International Women’s Day Celebration

International Women’s Day is an internationally recognized day that acknowledges the contributions of women worldwide.  Celebrations in many countries around the world include: parties, political actions, educational forums, and commemorations. In some countries, it is a day of rest and relaxation, honoring women for the work that they do to maintain their families and communities all year.

In recognition of this day, the Women of Color Leadership Network and the GSS Graduate Women’s Network have come together to organize an afternoon of exhibits, art, music and food.

This event is free, open to the public and wheelchair accessible. For more information contact WOCLN at 413.545.1671 or wocln@stuaf.umass.edu, or contact GWN at gss-gwn@grad.umass.edu

We will have audience-engaged drumming performance to begin the celebration. Come before 4:30 if you’d like to  hear and/or participate in the drumming!

Everywoman’s Center Open House

You are invited to join us on Tuesday March 1, from 1pm-4pm at the New Africa House for the Everywoman’s Center Open House.

We are celebrating and inviting the community to drop in! Light lunch and entertainment in the Shirley Dubois Reading Room- featuring performances through out the afternoon by the talented students with whom we work. Free Henna tattoos & button making. Hope to see you here!

GWN Yoga Group

Hey everyone! We are trying to set up a Yoga group!

Genna Robinson kindly agrees to teach a Yoga class once a week, for free. Because she is being trained as a Yoga teacher for beginners only, this group is, apparently, for Yoga beginners. If you are interested in Yoga and would like to take a class with someone who loves Yoga and is willing to help Yoga beginners, join us!

At this stage, we are still trying to find an appropriate space as well as find some basic Yoga props. Preliminary meeting time is Tuesday 5:30 – 7:00, starting early February. Please let us know if you are interested to join, and please also let us know if you are aware of a space we can use other than a meeting room in Campus Center.



By now it looks like we have to wait till next week, when we have the space finalized. See you all soon!

What Is Graduate Women’s Network?

“The Graduate Women’s Network represents graduate women and serves as a network for raising and creating ideas to answer the needs of women on campus.” This is basically all we have as a “definition” of the GWN. How exactly the GWN should function, how should our social/ supportive network run, is totally up to us. Together, we define it.

Let us have a discussion on the GWN blog, about the GWN. What do you think the GWN should be? What events & activities you would suggest us to do next semester? What groups we can set up to meet regularly, networking and sharing our interests?

Please post your comments here. Let’s talk about our network and decide what to do next in our network.



The Graduate Women’s Network is pleased to announce a logo design competition. All graduate women of UMass, or collaborative groups of graduate women and friends are welcome to participate. The winning logo will become property of GWN and will be used on GWN blog, GSS website, GWN fliers, and other occasions for GWN events.

Submission deadline: 02/18/2011

Submission to: gss-gwn@grad.umass.edu

Submission details:

Entries should be submitted in electric format.

Entries should include:

  • The design as a digital image file;
  • Design concept/ description as a word or pdf file;
  • Designer’s identification information, including the designer’s name, affiliation, and email address.

All entries will be posted on the GWN blog.

Evaluation committee: the GSS team and possibly you. If you are interested to be on the evaluation committee, please write to gss-gwn@grad.umass.edu. We may also have an online voting on our GWN blog (websites.umass.edu/gssgwn).

Winning Prize:

  • $60 (may be a gift card of your choice if preferred);
  • Certificate (issue by Graduate Women’s Network with the winning logo on it);
  • The joy of seeing your logo on the GWN blog and on every GWN flier!

Following-up Event:

We will organize an event after the winning logo is selected: Print your own GWN T-shirt, in the Student Union Craft Center. Details to be announced later.

Questions? Contact:

Hongmei Sun
Graduate Women’s Network Coordinator

Free: Dissertation Support Group for Women

Dissertation Support Group for Women
Are you writing a dissertation?
Meet with other women who are writing dissertations and understand the particular challenges women face.
Set realistic goals, offer and receive support, encouragement and suggestions to help meet your goals.

Graduate Women’s Network & Everywoman’s Center Counseling Services are
sponsoring a free Dissertation Support Group for Women.
The group will be facilitated by Pamela Plumer, Ph.D who completed her doctorate at UMass.

Thursday Evenings 5:30-7:00    First meeting will be in November, 2010

Registration Begins October, 2010
For more information and to register call:
Susan Mahler, Director
EWC Counseling Services

Child Care Assistance Program–Fall 2010

If you are a graduate student with children between the ages of 0 and 12, you are eligible—to apply for subsidies from GSS to help with your childcare costs, whether you pay a third-party for childcare or whether you take care of your children yourself. These subsidies are financed through a combination of funding sources, including: the Graduate Student Senate Tax, Child Care Funds from the GEO/UAW collective bargaining agreement, and the UAW/UMASS Health and Welfare Trust Fund. The subsidies are generally allocated during the beginning of the Fall and Spring semester for use during the academic year.

Application forms and distribution policy can be found at


Please contact Hongmei at gss-childcare@grad.umass.edu with all questions and/or concerns.

New Child Care Assistance Policy!

We have a brand new distribution policy for the Child Care Assistance Program this semester! With the new distribution policy no graduate student parent with children under 12 will be turned away, and the processing of applications will be drastically more efficient!

Check out our Child Care Assistance Policy online here: http://umassgss.org/child-care.html

2/15 — Applications due

2/22 &23 — Child Care Committee decision meetings