Upcoming events sponsored by the UMass Women in Transportation (WTS)

Check out these events!


1. Making Connections with Mentors: How to Fast-Track Your Career Today!

  • Time: Wednesday, April 2, 12:00-1:00 PM
  • Location: Gunness Student Center, Marcus Hall
  • Guest Speaker: Paula Simmons, MassDOT Project Manager, P.E.

Making a connection is easy but making a good connection is hard. Who’s a good connection? Who’s pulling for you? Who’s got your back? Who’s putting your hat in the ring? Odds are these people are your mentors – senior level professionals who believe in your potential and are willing to advocate you for that next promotion. Mentors can build your self-esteem and provide a sounding board. Good connections with mentors are your ticket to the top.

Free to all students. Wings and Subs will be provided. Seats are limited and registration is required.

Register Here. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kgYDRagId1Pt9f2yqUEm91AS4Bpjzwsb8Rm3i3BFPMY/viewform                          

2. Working for Private vs. Public Sectors: Benefits, Interview Tips, P.E. License, and more!

  • Time: Wednesday, April 16, 5:30-6:30 PM
  • Location: Kellogg Room, Elab 2
  • Guest Speaker: John Mastera, MassDOT Highway Design Team Leader, P.E.


Are you debating between Private Sectors and Public Sectors when looking for a job? What is the difference and what are the pros and cons? After passing the HR interview, what questions should you expect from hiring managers’ interview? What are they looking for in a job candidate? After getting the job, how to get a P.E. License to fast-track your career?

Free to all students. Wings and Subs will be provided. Seats are limited and registration is required.

Register Here. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15fIApANlfUxlPUuKODujfS-Ml40D7O0pwVrJlP8iDfk/viewform