Interested in learning more about programming in python?
GWIS is holding a series of interactive workshops to show the ropes of this versatile programming language popular with scientists and engineers.
What: Interactive python programming workshop – Session 3
When: Tuesday, December 2nd. 3:00-4:30pm
Where: Integrated Sciences Building (ISB) 221
Session 3 – We will cover “suggested topics from previous workshop feedback forms,” “other advanced topics,” and will *try* allowing participants to bring in their own datasets to get a jump start using python for their own research.
(i.e – Markov chains (machine learning) stat tests, model estimations, how to plot gene expression data, how to import topography data and plot it, run hydroloogy simluations, applications of python in other programs like arGIS, concentrating arrays on matrices, ANOVA on large datasets)
In Session 0 – we installed python and covered programming basics.
In Session 1 – we covered python basics: numpy, scipy, plotting, making a matrix, basic matrix math
In session 2 – we covered data manipulation, library sci kit learn- mathematical learning
You bring your laptop. We’ll bring the python experts (and coffee and donuts).
Python workshop – Session 3 for UMass graduate students sponsored by the Graduate Women in STEM.
You are welcome to come even if you didn’t attend the previous sessions but please be aware that this builds upon the content covered in previous workshops
Register here!