Outreach Event on Friday May 29th @ UMass with 8th graders

Does your research address sustainability?
The 8th graders of the Four Rivers Charter School in Greenfield MA are studying the question: what technologies (and ideas) represent the best hope for our future? It’s a question that focuses on sustainability in all the ways we can imagine we need to think about it.
When: Friday May 29th from 9:00 am to 11:30 am
Where: The 8th graders will visit UMass for “The Great Hope Tour.” There will be 6 groups of 6 students going to different talks.
They would like to meet with you, people who are working on ideas and technologies that are focused on helping us move to a more sustainable way of living. If you are researching ways to help ensure that in the future we will have energy, food, clean air to breathe, and a climate that supports life, they would love to speak to you.
No presentation is necessary – just meet with kids, share the work you are doing (maybe a peek into labs where the research is happening) and answer questions kids would have.
Please fill out this form to indicate your interest.