AAAS Fellows Panel- Bridging Policy and Careers

This event informed the graduate community about the AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellowship, and connected event participants to past fellows that could serve as a resource for future applications. It was applicable to all STEM students as well as students from other disciplines, and clarified questions regarding the application process, life in Washington DC, and how an internship in policy can translate into a variety of other careers.


The event was very successful! The panelists introduced themselves by sharing their experience in the fellowship program, and what they are currently doing now. Panelists were then asked questions like how to determine your fit for a specific government office, making your application stand apart, differences between working for the congressional and executive branches, and what the typical day is like in an AAAS fellowship. Participants were then able to ask any questions they had, and personally network with the 4 panelists. We brought in a wide variety of panelists that differed in education, AAAS experience and timing, and current work to appeal to a wide audience, and that seemed to work very well during the networking section.