We’re looking for some graduate student volunteers to help us host an undergraduate/graduate student mentoring dinner. At this event, we’ll be talking about ways to obtain summer research opportunities, both on-campus and off campus. We’ll also focus on how to write confident and clear professional emails to professors regarding research, and talking points when meeting with professors for the first time. It’s an informal mentoring dinner where undergraduates can ask graduate students about starting research, writing REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) applications, and meeting with professors. We’re looking for at least 20 graduate students interested in attending and sharing their experience in research with undergraduates over dinner. Sandwiches, salads, and desserts will be provided from Atkins Farm.
Please let us know if you’re interested in volunteering!
Even if you don’t want to volunteer, please tell your undergraduate students about this event!
When: Monday March 7th, 5:30pm
Where: Gunness Student Center, Marcus Hall
Dinner will be provided