Last semester, the mentoring committee organized and partook in several different events on and off campus. Here are some highlights and photos! If you are interested in similar events, have ideas for new events, or would like a leadership role in GWIS, come join one of our mentoring committee meetings or apply to one of our leadership positions (nomination form coming soon!).
Graduate Student Family Halloween Event:
GWIS members gave workshops on simulating oil spills and making lava lamps for children of graduate student families. We partnered with GSS and had a great turnout!
Graduate Student/Faculty/Post-Doc Luncheon:
We invited STEM faculty, post-docs and graduate students to informally gather for lunch and discuss our experiences in STEM and skills that we had to offer others and were looking to gain.
Pioneer Valley Women in STEM (PWIS) Mentoring Event:
GWIS mentoring committee members attended a PWIS meeting where Professor Becky Wai-Ling Packard hosted a workshop on mentoring where she shared some of her research and coordinated fun networking activities amongst STEM members throughout the Pioneer Valley.
GWIS Friendsgiving
Members of GWIS joined for a night of dinner and crafts to celebrate the end of the semester!
Interested in More Events?
This semester we are planning:
Undergraduate mentoring event and panel discussion
Latex workshop
GWIS study session and clothes swap during Finals
GSS/GWIS Family Summer Kickoff Event- games, food, + fun!