We had a great time holding the Teaching in All Types of Classrooms Situation Room, and we hope you were there to participate! This event started with a brief introduction to teaching pedagogy and what are some of the most common mistakes made while teaching by the panel of experts. The panel for this situation room was composed of Dr. Beth Jakob, Dr. Johanna Yunker, and engineering student Marie Louis. Then 3 people presented situations based on previous teaching circumstances they had encountered while being challenged by the audience. After presentations, the panel and audience discussed what the “teacher” did well with their 5 minute lesson as well as what could have been improved upon. Overall, as a group we discussed ways of keeping a distracted class on track, dealing with immaturity regarding subject matter, and how to move forward in a lecture when your classroom is super excited and asking so many questions. The panelists contributed very valuable advice on teaching resources as well as ways of designing lectures to work with the class personality. The participant feedback from this event also supports this idea as that’s what the audience gained from this situation room. Each presenter received individual written feedback from each audience member, and while we don’t read them all overall people were giving good constructive criticisms and compliment sandwiches to the presenters.